Yay, finally I get to see a decent-quality version of the HP trailer that actually has sound! Ah, the joy the comes from having a functional connection again… Okay, I’m excited now. With Nightwatch, CoS, and nearer proximity to the releases of TTT and The Matrix: Reloaded, November can’t come soon enough!

::dies of joy:: My internet connection is back up again! ::punts AOL back out the window:: Huzzah, life is merry once more.

Friday Five, nicked from Renata. Arr.

1. Would you say that you’re good at keeping in touch with people?

If they have a blog/LJ, sure. Snail mail is generally evil.

2. Which communication method do you usually prefer/use: e-mail, telephone, snail mail, blog comments, or meeting in person? Why?

Face to face is best, with Y!M in second, email third, telephone and comments tied in in fourth, and snail mail in fifth. I say this because the rapport in a face-to-face conversation is impossible to duplicate. One can only type so fast.

3. Do you have an instant messenger program? How many? Why/why not? How often do you use it?

I have Y!M, and I’m on all the time. I have AIM and ICQ, but I never go on because ICQ is on crack and AIM is the IM program that all my IRL friends use, and I don’t like talking to IRL friends online as much. No offense to them, I just don’t like the the dynamic.

4. Do most of your close friends live nearby or far away?

Most live nearby, I guess. Of course, I have quite a few online friends that are as close to me as some of the people I consider good friends IRL… I have no idea. Maybe about half and half.

5. Are you an “out of sight, out of mind” person, or do you believe that “distance makes the heart grow fonder”?

Distance, I think. I don’t get insanely excited when I see a friend in class that I get to see everyday, but I spaz for weeks in advance and afterwards when I get the chance to see a friend that lives far away, like Renata. I think everybody is like this, though…

::laughs:: Vibrato is holding a special assembly on Monday, and they want me to read my epic poem. Go me. Erin, who called me about it, and she said that it was the staff’s favourite poem in the magazine that year. ::is loffed:: So yay. I’m in a “Priscilla can write, yay!” mood, because earlier today, Dr. Moreland selected me as one of three students to read her English paper aloud to the class. So it’s a good day. And it’s Friday, which is absolute gravy. And it’s Kell’s birthday, and if I’m not mistaken, Sian’s as well. ::works on cards:: I have a very amusing idea for Sian’s, and I’m still brainstorming on Kell’s. So hurrah. ::waves flag::

Yay, friends Cherise and Christine are getting LJs. And I set up a group blog for the JETS last night. All goes well in the world of weblogging.

Yeep! Today is Kell’s birthday and I completely forgot. Gah, I’ve been reminding myself about this all week. Oy. ::runs off to draw something::

Okay, I’m really not pleased with the casting for “Red White and Swing”. All the lead roles went to juniors. Don’t get me wrong, I utterly loathe Hockaday’s obsession with seniority, but the fact is, it’s always been there, and up until this year, our grade had never stood a chance at getting leads. Hockaday thrives on seniority. Two years ago, the seniors had a hissy fit because Mr. Blaydes gave an incredibly minor role in “You Can’t Take it With You” to a sophomore. Now when it’s finally our time to shine, they take it away from us on some demented whim. Now I get to be the leading lady’s mother.

I’m generally okay with this arrangement for my own role. I understand Mr. Blaydes’ decision to give me a smaller part, as I’ll be in “Dark of the Moon”, “Dido and Aeneas”, and “Man of La Mancha” as well this year, which is enough on my plate. I just think it’s unfair to the rest of the seniors that have been acting their butts off since day one in hopes of getting a good part when their time finally came. I think that’s unfair and cruel. We never even got a chance.
