::waves copy of Nightwatch delightedly::

Current Mood: Kid at Christmas

Current Music: Overjoyed squeeing

(What, did you expect a long entry? I’ve got a book to read!)

Halloween pictures! Yay!

Chalk Outline — my favourite aspect of TinkerHell. Proof I am a sick, sick person.

Costumes, part I — Mariam (Thanksgiving Community Service Food Drive Turkey), Marcelina (Virgin Guadeloupe), Elizabeth (Harry Potter), Emily (Snape), Dana (I have no idea), and Tess (She-Ra).

Costumes, part II — Cherise (Rama), Christine (she has no idea), Mackenzie (a hobbit), and me (Angua — I like my version better).

Why do I keep randomly quoting Tori Amos?

On Halloween, before first period even began, one of my calf strips broke. I knew that my mom was coming to school during Advisory (the Break between first and second period), so I called her and asked her if she could bring me another one from the huge wad of leather strips I got from MJDesigns (in the meantime, I just knotted the pieces back together, which worked, but looked silly). When she came, proffering a bag of the strips, I found myself singing “Hand me my leather”.

Now that I think about it, I’m finding it difficult to remember other specific instances, but I know they’re happening. I get the urge to quote a lot when I’m talking with Marcelina, but I curb the inclination, as she’s not very fond of Tori Amos.

And that’s my random observation of the day. I think I’ll clean my room a bit, scan Halloween photos, and memorize huge chunks of Dark of the Moon.

Woo! Fun stuff going on! Last night, I went with Marcelina and Chungy to see Nightwatch, the conveniently titled Hockaday/St. Marks fall play. Matt was in it, and he was hilarious. Just the method he used to deliver his lines… he looked hyped up on too much coffee and constantly ready to smack Krista. Go Matt! And Krista, who played the lead, was quite nifty. The end was craaaaaaazy. Huzzah to them.

Afterwards, the three of us went to the Magnolia, where we saw “The Truth About Charlie“, which was fabulous. Again, craaaaazy, but absolutely awesome. I recommend it highly. Chungy is surprisingly good at picking movies — she was right about Punch Drunk Love, and she took me to Amelie, which I probably wouldn’t have seen, even though the trailer looked awesome.

Because by this point it was about 12:30 (thank Percy I have no curfew), we went to IHOP to get a snack, as none of us had eaten dinner and IHOP is the only restaurant we know of that’s open that late. We were greeted by incredibly friendly night-shift employees, which was all fun, then we discussed Chungy’s nonexistent gaydar and aspects of the play and movie. Good stuff. Then I dropped Chungy off at Hockaday and took Marcelina home and went to sleep around 2. A splendid time was had by all. Hurrah!

I am a Pop Artist.

You’re a modern/pop artist. You have the ability to turn your problems into bright, colorful works of art. People like being around you because you make them smile. Kudos!

Significant updation going on, yo. I added a bunch of images to the art gallery (some you may have not seen!) and a couple poems to “Writings”. Check them out! I also broke up the art gallery further into “Gifts”, “Design”, “Black and White Photography”, “Color Photography”, and “Cyanotypes”.