Wow. Eyes dialated. I can’t focus within two feet from my face, which makes it difficult to write greeting cards and ship out holiday packages to places like Malaysia and Argentina. Hoo boy. And the doctor said that I’m just barely nearsighted, so I’d only really consider getting glasses for driving or at night and such. In the meantime, I remain the lensless wonder.
…and Blogger is back to not publishing. Kill me now.
::dies of joy:: Monica sends the gift of Vimes. ::loffs Moni utterly::
Arg. Got a haircut. Hacked off three inches. Feel bald. Probably do not qualify for LHFCXDE anymore, as my hair is just about an inch below the bottom of my shoulderblades. Alas.
::explodes in a fit of overjoyed squeeage:: The Very Secret Diaries are back! ::schnoogles Cassie::
I find out if I need glasses tomorrow. Erk.
Musings on His Lordship’s attire…
Me: okay, the torso looks fine, but the bottom half makes him look like the Prettiest Girl at the Prom.
Mon: *dies laughing*
Me: yay for Vetinari in a Dress.
Mon: put him in pants
Me: pants aren’t intimidating enough
Me: intimidating men wear robes or dresses and stuff. Darth Vader wore a skirt.
If blogger does not publish soon, I will seriously consider switching entirely to LiveJournal. I’m getting sick of this!
EDIT: I’m switching to GreyMatter when I’m finished with all the Christmas stuff. This is ridiculous.
2nd EDIT: ::stares:: I fixed it! Holy cow, I fixed it! And I was just grasping blindly at straws! Go me! ::does a dance:: Now let’s see if it holds up…
Ultimate Loff To:
Jia-Ling, for an utterly awesome compilation of Roald Dahl stories and the originals for birthday cards from this and last year.
Alicey, for a bunch of Discworld drawings (plus the rough-draft for the TLC layout line art) and an absolutely spiffy figure drawing book
Sannali, for a hefty share of the funds for EspressoFerrets.
Renata, for hot cocoa mix, a giant chocolate penny (perfect timing, as I was in dire need of chocolate last night), her soundtrack, and a burned Choirgirl (as mine is evilly scratched).
MadSchnoogles! I adore you all! ::snugs::
TTT + MST3K/VSD + hypnotizing video games + crazy Moldovan music + Freud = a very amusing evening
I went with Matt, his friend Luke, and Monty (Malvolio in last Spring’s 12th Night) to see The Two Towers again, and it was again wonderful. We kept a VSD-inspired running commentary, with hints of Monty Python thrown in for good measure.
Frodo wakes up next to Sam:
All: ::uncontrollable snickering::
The trio things Merry and Pippin are dead:
Aragorn: Nooooooooooo!
Me: Stellaaaaaa!
Legolas backflips onto the horse:
Matt: Score! Legolas ownz gravity!
Me [Legolas]: gravity is my biznatch!
Gandalf banishes Saruman from Theoden:
Me: I think the most fun aspect of this movie is seeing old men beating the hell out of each other.
Grima and Saruman check out the army of Oruk-Hai:
Me [Taco Bell Chihuaua/Grima]: I theenk we need a bigger box.
Arwen: No, but I want to stay!
Luke [Elrond]: But my forehead says otherwise.
Saruman plans the assault on Helm’s Deep
Matt [Saruman]: Now, if we were to build a giant badger…
Legolas: 17… 19!
Matt: …and still the prettiest!
Orc runs with the flame
Me and Matt: It’s the Olympic torch!
Gimli: Toss me! Toss me!
Me [Aragorn]: I’m sorry, I don’t feel that way about you…
A splendid time was had by all.
After the movie, Monty had to go home, but Matt, Luke, and I headed to Gazebo burgers. I haven’t eaten there in years — not since Lower School, where we occasionally went there after soccer games. T’was better than I remember it. Anyway, we enjoyed our burgers, while Luke sat entranced, staring at a video game, whose “All Your Base”-worthy captions said:
Alien: You my friend, give me Earth!
Hero: No!! Go to Star!!
Alien: Why not
Space, bomber scramble
Too funny.
After dinner, we sat in Luke’s car and listened to his CD of crazy Moldovan music, including a song about Gypsies vs. Aliens and another about the Moldovan national dish. “This is the best ode to an almost-solid thing I’ve ever heard!”, Matt said.
We also discussed recent movies (Equilibrium‘s cross + swastika = crosstika, I suggest), my apparent recent designation as HP Inner Circle (with confused thanks to Percy Weatherby), colleges, Red, White, and Swing, Vimes’ birthing hips in my card for Mon, and other related topics.
Good times.