I think my mom overestimates my abilities. Paraphrased to the best of my knowledge.

Mom: Dee had a revelation in regard to her movie. She’s thinking of making it totally or partway-animated.

Me: Nifty.

Mom: So I told her that because you have such an interest in art–

Me: I can’t do animation.

Mom: Well, I know that, but I thought that if you spent some time with some of the animators, you could pick up a few things.

Me: ::stares:: People study animation in college for years before they’re capable to doing anything movie-quality.

Mom: Well, you could give it a try.

Me: ::continues to stare:: Maybe if they were doing digitally enhanced rotoscope like Waking Life, I could manage something decent, but–

Mom: Great! I’ll tell Dee.

Me: Wha?