::goggles:: Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR Starling Originals arrived in my mailbox today! ::explodes:: I’m in absolute awe. It’s unbelieveable now much of the detail of the Casablanca Discworld parody was lost in the scan! The original is utterly divine. I keep squealing and staring at in in sheer, unadulterated joy. I loff you, Moni! Also sent were the calendar line arts for November (Hermione) and July (the Heirs), which were so fun to see again, as it’s been so long since I’ve seen them in their uncolored state. And last but not least, the picture of Sam and Sybil, all decked out in ducal regalia. Again, the detail is marvellous. All the filigree on Sam’s coat is fabulous, and the poncy hat and floofy shoes are especially ridiculous in person. ::schnoogles Sam shamelessly::
Mon, thank you so much! I’m honored to be the first person outside Argentina to acquire a Starling Original! ::glomps:: Loff you!