Today, the girls in my PE class took turns being sexually assaulted by the offspring of Darth Vader and the Pillsbury Doughboy.
I could just leave the entry at that, but I feel like explaining further.
This quarter, I’ve been taking a self-defense course in PE. It doesn’t teach you pretty kicks and choreographed moves. We learn techniques that could actually be used in an assault situation. Today was the final day in the course, so Meg, the teacher, brought in two guys to try to attack us, and we used any means necessary to fend them off. In the first two attacks, they didn’t have any protective padding so that they could grab us more easily, and we practiced control. After that, they put on protective padding and face masks and such, and we experienced a continuous series of atttacks for 45 seconds to a minute. Exhausting. But I felt very pleased with myself when I kicked a guy in the face after he had borne me to the ground. Huzzah.
And to think I took almost three years of Tae Kwon Do without learning anything that could be used to save my life in such a situation. Shame.