Inquiry to my muses:

Why am I always at my most inspired when working on English papers? This evening, I was listening to tape three of FoC to check to make sure the quality is good (bah, two slipups. And the other two tapes are perfect! Grrrr), when I was struck with inspiration. I zoomed to Microsoft Word to work it into my story, when I realized “hey, I’m supposed to be working on an English paper right now.”

And my last comparable burst of inspiration occurred midway through my last English paper. And come to think of it, most of my breakthroughs in “Men at Arms” happened when I was attempting to work on my second research paper last year. Good gravy, my muses are fickle.

::wails:: When is Monica coming home? She said on the 10th that she’d only be gone two weeks! ::sniffles:: Wah, miss you, loffie.

I just finished tape 3 of my “Feet of Clay” recording, bringing my total so far to 4 1/2 hours. Page 189 of 357. Yarrr.

spockmonkey4: ooh! You got American Gods! Good book! *squees*

queekie99: yeah!

spockmonkey4: *dances happily*

queekie99: i just finished the part where the prostitute.. um.. does.. y’know what… with that dude.

spockmonkey4: so you’ve finished Neverwhere? *has the memory of a goldfish*

queekie99: Poor dude.

queekie99: Yes.

spockmonkey4: yes.

queekie99: it was v. peculiar.

spockmonkey4: v.

queekie99: Gaiman has an interesting sex life, I suppose.

spockmonkey4: *snorks*

queekie99: Or wishes he had.

spockmonkey4: *dies* I love you, Alicey.

Scurvy!Endless, part II. It’s PirateWench!Death!

The resemblance between Death’s attire and my tentative Aldonza costume is entirely coincidental. Yep. (Come on, 16th century Spanish wenches? What did you expect?)

“The randomized killing of innocent people is excusable if you look good in a tux.” –The moral of “Phantom of the Opera”, according to Terry Pratchett

Meanwhile, can anyone think of any really pirate-y fonts? I don’t have the foggiest idea what sort of fonts pirates would have liked.

Step 1: Pirate Blog layout image (para Renata y los otras frowlers)

My eyes are now delightedly equipped with their new bulletproof vests. I keep squealing and saying “Look at how CLEAR it is!”

Best to avoid me the next few days.

Chungy is a loser. She was too busy necking with her man-love to go with us to celebrate Cherise’s birthday. And don’t try to deny it, you know what you were doing. The whole “family dinner” excuse is way too obvious.

I wore different socks, but still a new pair. I have a total of three new pairs of socks. Two down, one to go.