“Personally I don’t really think the Good Omens movie is dead. I think of it as lying in a glass coffin with white lilies on its chest and with mournful dwarfs all around it, all of them waiting for a prince to ride up on a big white horse, carrying with him about sixty million dollars.” –Neil Gaiman
I got new socks on! ::waggles toes::
And now I’m going over to Marcelina’s.
Quote of the Day:
(playing “Boys for Pele” in the Photography lab)
Becky: Is this Christian rock?
Me: No, it’s Tori Amos.
Photography was quite interesting. I’ve been wanting to try to print on mylar for quite some time, so over the past week, I sprayed the mylar so that it would accept the Liquid Light (a paint-on emulsion) and painted it. Today, I had time to print. I used a high-contrast transparency of a photo of a religious icon, and went through the motions. However, in the developer bath, I noticed that the mylar wasn’t taking to the process as well as it had originally seemed. It marred quite easily — anything innocently brushing against it would wipe emulsion away from the page. I decided not to give up, as if all else failed, I would still have some excellent PS grunge brush fodder. The first large image came out rather well, and due to my deliberately sloppy brushwork, the shoddiness looked intended. Go me.
For the second large image (I only painted two large pieces and two index-card pieces for test strips), I decided to combine the transparency with a negative of another religious statue. This one was a complete mess, due to the fickle nature of Liquid Light, but I might figure out something to do with it in Studio Art. Lovely grunge. ::grins:: Yayfun. I’ll scan n’ show when I first get the chance. Maybe tonight I’ll scan the negatives.
Huzzah! And the Chaos theory project is finished, 30 minutes under the wire! ::grooves:: I don’t know what I would have done if I’d had rehearsal today. The gods must be smiling upon me today. And let it be known that Marcelina is the most wonderful person in the world, just because. ::gives her mad schnoogles::
Wow. Just experienced the great moment of DUH. I ownz Chaos theory, j0.
I made the mistake of trying to work on my Chaos theory project as a break from my English paper. Bad idea. This book needs to die. It starts out simple, then it immediately becomes incomprehensible. I must be missing something (like a math doctorate, for one). The book is the equivalent of: “This is addition. Oh, and this is the alphabet. Got that? No questions? Okay, now on to a treatise on multivariable calculus written in an obscure Hungarian dialect using ENIGMA-encoded braille.”
I hate you, oh evil book on Chaos theory.
More Physics Quotes:
Marcelina: See? The universe is made of spandex!
Me: No wonder Uranus is known as “where the sun don’t shine.”
Me: Pin = Pout! [ED: Pin = Pout] So if you’re ever feeling sad, throw away all your sewing materials and you’ll have nothing but smiles!
Marcelina: Dear God…
Loh: So we have an object floating in the Big Water Bucket o’ Physics–
Scotti: Can it be a cookie? I don’t want to use my imagination.
Me: Churches! Churches!
Me & Schlien: Very small rocks!
Loh: So the brownie has a magic quality to it that makes it float.
Me: It’s an alien brownie!
Me: I don’t think it’d be worth it to boil the sea.
For those curious, I ended up lending Stephanie (the future Gaiman-phile) a copy of “Neverwhere”, tantalizingly mentioning that the book had been in The Great Neil’s presence, though I was unable to get it signed. She’s seems very excited about reading it this weekend! All in a day’s work. ::grins::
::pauses, takes Coraline from shelf, squeals, and melts into a fangirlish puddle for the umpteenth time this evening::
::explodes in a mess of overjoyed Priscilla-bits::
PTerry responded to my questions! He’s now aware of my existence! ::dies of sheer joy::
In case the message eventually gets deleted, here are my plebian utterances:
I have a few burning questions for you. Hopefully you’ll escape without catching on fire. :D
The first should be relatively painless. How did you get the name “Angua”? I’m rather curious about name etymology, and the closest I’ve found is that it’s the Papiamento word for “needle”, and somehow that doesn’t seem like a proper connection. Any insight for us? Or did you just make it up? (Also, how is her name pronounced? AN-gyoo-uh?)
The second is about the position of “The Last Hero”. Publication-wise, it came between “Thief of Time” and “Night Watch”, but because the two occur simultaneously, I wondered where tLH fell. I guessed that it came after “Night Watch”, as in NW Ponder doesn’t appear know Carrot very well, but confirmation would be appreciated.
The third (and last) question might be a bit trickier. A year ago, mostly as a joke, I started writing “Men at Arms: The Musical”, and by this point, I’ve grown so attatched to it that I’d like to stage it eventually. Should I contact Stephen Briggs about it? Whose arena would this question fall under?
Thanks so much for taking the time this week to answer everyone’s questions. I eagerly look forward to “Wee Free Men” and “Monstrous Regiment”! Also, I hope you decide to include some US locations in your next signing tour. We’d love to have you!
Priscilla Spencer
And here are his divine, heaven-blessed responses:
Angua is simply Ang as in bang, gue as in you, a as in ah:-)I wanted Night Watch to be a bit ‘free-floting’ — that is, modern DW but not nailed down. I think you’ve nailed it!
Stephen has rights in his adaptations of the books, and for practical purposes he administers all the amdram stuff on behalf of the Orangutan Foundation, which gets most of the money. But if you’re starting grom the book, then you’ll need to talk to me via my agent, at least to be begin with.
Break a leg
I haven’t been this fangirlishly overjoyed since Neil Gaiman said “Lincoln is better than Wilson” and I got to give him a hug. ::beams:: Good god, I love my life. And I am such a fangirl. XD
Why does this song’s lyrics merit space on my blog? Indulge in the “Ask Terry Pratchett” Week on the message boards and learn a great many things. ::gleefully posts questions::