Let it be known that I <3 Renata utterly.
Happy Birthday to Elvis Presley, Stephen Hawking, and my friend Marcelina. And tomorrow is Jia’s b-day, so give her massive schnoogles. Birthday card is on the way.
Because I never keep my word regarding which book I’m going to read next, during English class today, I created an Untouchable and Unquestionable Reading List of Doom. And all that attempt to persuade me to change my mind will be hit with large sticks.
- One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- I’m A Stranger Here Myself, Bill Bryson
- Fellowship of the Ring, Tolkien
- Tricky Business, Dave Barry
- The Two Towers, Tolkien
- Prey, Michael Crichton
I leave the rest open to future dispute. Now just watch me stick to this without falter. Just watch me. ::poses dramatically::
The final version of my self-portrait can be seen (and hopefully, commented upon) here. I’m proud out of my mind, especially because this was my first attempt with pastels (making sunsets in 3rd grade doesn’t count). Squee.
I’m working on a self-portrait for art class. Yay. Go see cookies.
::sigh:: Blogger, blogger, blogger. You’ve been so good all this time! Why must you be evil on occasion? Alas.
This is why I love Alicey.
The left speaker of my stereo is out. No idea why. Quite amusing, as it only plays half the range of my music. I’m listening to “Hey, Bulldog” (Beatles are excellent for working on art projects, say I), and nearly all the lyrics are gone. Instant karaoke!