Children, please turn to Chapter 27 of “The Order of the Phoenix”. Read the first page.


mattman_skippy: i’m glad that you’re back

spockmonkey4: glad to be back!

spockmonkey4: Santa Fe was fun, but I was definitely ready to get out of there

mattman_skippy: a man-ho without his pimp is a sad thing indeed

spockmonkey4: *laughs*

spockmonkey4: And a pimp away from her man-hos is tragedy as well

mattman_skippy: I had TBarr yell at me and take my money, but it just wasn’t the same

mattman_skippy: aw, I’m touched

spockmonkey4: *snorks*

Yes. Definitely glad to be back to all my friends on Y!M. And I’m going with the gang to “A Clockwork Orange” anyway, so all is good. I feel compelled to reread a bit of it beforehand… Man, that’s an amazing book.

Wah. Midnight movie at the Inwood is “A Clockwork Orange”, but it seems wrong to go to a midnight movie without Marcelina. Waaaaaah, loffie, how long are you going to be in San Antonio? The entire summer, right? Bah. Will go off and pout some more.

Wah! After surfing the web on a Mac for two weeks straight, I now find myself looking for the “minimize” etc buttons on the left instead of the right. Curse you, Macintosh! ::shakes fist angrily::

Anyway, as you can see, I’m back. I return to a flood of mail, snail and otherwise, including my AP Art folio, a birthday invite from Renata, and my “Discworld Family Values” Kidby poster (AAAAUGH!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!). W00t to the 00t indeed!

It was funny. When I opened the box containing my folio, I immediately started searching for my grade. I was overwhelmed with glee to see three 5’s emblazoned on the coversheet. Fives are the highest possible grade. I squealed with glee and skipped about the room with joy with my parents, exchanging high-fives, until I looked again and realized that the five was under the blank that enumerated the number of original pieces present at each stage of the grading. That wasn’t my grade, that was just accounting for the continued existence of my work. Drat. I found this hilarious, though. I sorted through all the paperwork and such and no grade was found, so I called Mrs. McCullough, who told me that the grades were mailed at a different time. Checking the College Board website, I see that they are mailed on July 1st. So I have one more week until I find out my grade! Woo hoo!

Now off to check email and LJ Friends list and suchlike. Renata, I apologize for not RSVPing to your party, as you live in Illinois. XD

Yay! Okay, I’m definitely warming to the new Blogger layout thing. My archives are no longer on crack! W00t!

Quotes of the Week:

“Quick! Let’s play ‘Which of these songs was written by George Harrison’!” –Me, regarding the Yellow Submarine soundtrack

“I want to get all my friends naked in a pool and start shooting.” –Amy, regarding the work of Connie Imboden

“Occasionally I write mean haikus about people.” –Me, introducing myself

“That’d be sweet if you just spin-kicked me in the jaw!” –Scott, the AV guy

“Although he has played roles that are less ‘I want to pinch his cheeks’ cute and more ‘I want to have his babies’ cute.” –Me, regarding Alan Cumming

“That boy is madder’n a rooster in an empty henhouse!” –The announcer at the rodeo

“You need to marry a man who can sing. And is funny. And loves Ranch dressing.” –my mom