Why have I spent the past two days searching for Storm/Nightcrawler fanfiction? Someone please stop me before I cause injury to myself and others.

*adds “fluffy KuRoro” to her LJ-interest list*

Saw X2 again, this time with mum. I squeed at Alan Cumming as she admired Hugh Jackman. Mmm, something for everyone in that movie.

There’s no real reason for me posting this link. I just wanted to have it for easy access. T’is the schedule for Nimbus.

In other news, I am spending 9 days in the presence of Alicey, Maggie, and Steph this July. When did I die and go to heaven? Glee!

(For those curious, Kell and I sadly were unable to get together this weekend. I think something was wrong with her cellphone, wah. Oh well.)

Too busy writing Thank You notes to manage any description of last night’s events. Here, Matt summarizes quite well. Go read his description!

Woah, perfect timing! Marcelina and Luke were just laughing about this this evening and wondering where they’d seen it. Thanks, Houie, for being psychic!

Bonus: Compare with this. I love you, rathergood.com!