Your Fanfic of Destiny!! by ali_wildgoose
Your LJ username
Your FFoD will be written by… rubydebrazier
The main character will be… Remus Lupin
It will involve…. The appearance of one or more Buffy characters.
It will end in… Bunnies. Lots of bunnies. And flowers.
Created with quill18‘s MemeGen!

Glee! Priscilla’s ethernet woes are a thing of the past. The glee continues its upward spiral!

I checked out my room today, which wasn’t as small as I’d imagined. At the Dallas Penn gathering, when I told people I was in Hill, they said “I’m sorry,” explaining that the rooms are matchbox-sized. Because I had been so conditioned to the idea that I would only be able to stick one toe into the room at a time, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the room. It’s really not that bad. The space is adequate. And it’s still perfectly situated for my classes.

It’s remarkable. One will be able to just glance into my room and know exactly what kind of person I am. With my posters of Amelie, FotR, and “Discworld Family Values,” plus all my friends’ HP & DW artwork (and Megs’ mostly-naked hobbits), there’s not a lot left to explain.

W00t! Am in Philadelphia, cruising about with my parents. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that all but one of my classes are in a 1-block radius of my dorm, and the other is 2 1/2 blocks. My schedule whups all your schedules’ shiny white heineys. Go me! *high fives schedule*

As always, whenever I have to deal with something Huge and Looming and Big, I find myself taking the Arthur Dent approach — I whittle it down into something small, then digest that. While Arthur finally snaps when he realizes there is no such thing as a McDonalds hamburger, I think my breaking point is at “I am taking a trip. Mum and Dad are going home, but I am not.” I imagine I’m going to wake up screaming in the middle of the night. But things could be worse. I’m at the college of my dreams in the program of my dreams with the people of my dreams and the faculty of my dreams, a short busride from one of my best friends in the world, and a slightly longer trainride from New York City. And out of the godforsaken Texas heat, hallelujah!

Okay, so I’m really really really really really really excited about Penn. Glee!

I dined with Erin Finley tonight, one of my schoolchums (that’s such a great word — it should be used more), and a splendid time was had by all. Apparently, she’s rooming in a turret! How cool is that? Of course, I get the bragging rights of living in a college house whose architecture was inspired by a Turkish harem, but hey, TURRETS! We’re going to have turret parties and just generally have fun.

Merriment and glee! Until tomorrow, m’dears.

In 12 hours, I will be on a plane, flying away from the home I’ve lived in for 18 years, to live in a city fifteen hundred miles away.


Hee! Just saw the Errol Flynn version of “Robin Hood” with Mimi. I &lt333333333333333 Errol Flynn. *is amused*

If I have a son, I am *so* naming him ‘Basil.’ Or ‘Errol.’ Because dooming your children to bullying and massive therapy is part of a parent’s job.

Glee! The first wave of art for the OotP Art Fest is up!

And apparently Mac users (or at least Safari users) are having issues with the layout. Any divine, godlike HTML divas know what’s wrong? I beseech you all. Jen? Britt? Bueller?

Yay, new layout. I decided that the Film Noir one had been up long enough, and Renata suggested Kurt for the new one. So w00t. Not much of a departure from the last, but hey, it works for me. This is my first time fiddling around with &ltdiv&gt absolute positioning things for text, and after several hours of pulling out my hair, I can say that it is officially my biznatch. Go me!

If anyone has any suggestions for phrases for the comment fields and “Relevant Links,” footkissing is in order.

The phrase “blue and fluffy for preference” belongs to Angua, in Feet of Clay. Of course, Cheery assumes she’s talking about a blanket she uses against bogeymen, but we know better.

From POA Set Report #3: P.S: There was an important observation we noticed today, but failed to put in the report. We were extremely surprised to discover that Lupin does have a moustache in the shoot.
