OCed with Alicey tonight! Whee!
NO WONDER I couldn’t find the reference to “Longbottom Leaf” in my copy of LOTR. It’s missing the first 14 pages of the prologue of “Fellowship!” Pfft! *jots down the reference from TTT*
Who Will You Marry? | Name | Date | June 6, 2065 | Spouse | Sean Biggerstaff | Price of Wedding | $431,038 |
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Huzzah! Too bad I’ll be nearly 81 at the time.
HP Fandom Future | LJ Username | Favorite Character | Number of LJ Friends | Fandom Future | BNF Stalker |
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Why will you leave the HP fandom? | Username | Het or slash? | Date you will leave | July 19, 2050 | Reason | Couldn't deal with the glitter |
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*cowers from QueerasJohn*
Huzzah! And a fabulous end to a rather wretched day. I have officially lost my “Rocky Horror” virginity with full honors! Bonuses include participation in lesbian sex scene and a free t-shirt. Huzzah! And it was good to see Casper again (despite the fact that he’s 16, he’s in the cast), and it was great to finally get to meet Sue, one of Burkhead and Marcelina’s best friends from their old school. Glee!
I’d post more, but it’s three in the morning. G’night.
Okay, now feeling much better. Sam, Jen, Alicey, and Moni are worth more than the weight of the entire fandom in gold. The previous rant, however, stays. I’m not going to apologize for writing what I feel in my own personal journal.
That’s all I’m saying. It’s always so refreshing to learn there are people combing my blog for things to use against me. AAAARGH, the little fink! I’m so sick of him! Stop emailing me! Why won’t he just let byegones be byegones and LEAVE ME ALONE?
I’m not. saying. a WORD. ::clenches teeth and screams::
(Don’t ask. It doesn’t concern any of you. It just needed to be said.)
“Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Harry Potter Fanfic”
We are a sick, sick fandom, and I love every minute of it.
*is amused beyond words*
Pris: Okay, we need a “thereloveisso…” for Lockhart/Snape.
Jen: *dies*
Sam: TheirloveissoWRONGANDBAD
Pris: *laughs*
Sam: Theirloveissoshinyhaired.
Jen: theirloveissoduelingclub
Pris: hee!
Sam: There’s a good one!
Jen: theirloveisso, er…. *thinking*
Jen: I like the shinyhair
Sam: theirloveissoawkwardlyfamous.
Sam: theirloveissophotogenic?
Pris: theirloveissoinfamous?
Jen: theirloveissonarcissistic
Pris: hee
Sam: Theirloveissoprofessorial
Pris: I think my favourite so far is Chris Rankin/Sean Biggerstaff. Theirloveissoheterosexual.
Sam: Now i’m lost
Pris: Apparently, every time someone asks Sean about his friendship with Chris (innocently), he shouts “I’m not gay!”
Sam: ROFL!
Sam: Theirloveissocloset
Jen: lol
Sam: I’m still with Harry/Draco on theirloveissohate
Jen: oh yeah
Pris: hee, I love that one.
Pris: Maybe theirloveissoawkward?
Sam: theirloveissomisplaced.
Pris: hee
Jen: theirloveissoexasperating
Sam: theirlovehasshinysmiles
Pris: theirloveissorandom? or theirloveissofandom?
Jen: lol
Sam: theirloveissosquick
Pris: theirloveisamusingashell
Jen: theirloveissoannoying
Pris: but it’s not! it’s hilarious!
Sam: theirloveissoexplosive
Pris: theirloveissodisarming!!!
::dies:: If Howard Dean wasn’t already guaranteed my vote, he would now. He uses the word “Zounds!” <3333333333333333