Dude, my city rocks.
More costume pics posted in my Livejournal!
I’ll post better pictures of the finished costume later. Now, lunch! Then math. I woke up at 8 this morning, thinking it would give me plenty of time to dress, eat breakfast, and be ready for class at 11, but not a chance. I was almost late, even without breakfast. I should have woken up at 7. Oh well.
Mmmmm, gah. Donnie Darko continues to be amazing. Good, good movie. And it helps that Jake Gyllenhaal is cuter than toast.
Happy Halloween, boys and girls! So who’s dressing up? Roll call in the comments field!
*leaps out from behind a door and snarls* Welcome to HELL HOUSE, boys and ghouls! Follow the arrows… if you want to SURVIVE! *cackle*
Too much fun. I blued my eyes and added a slight sickly blue hue to my skin with makeup, put a pillow under my jacket, and became a deranged Nightcrawler with osteoperosis. T’was an insane amount of fun, and I scared the pants off people. Rather like when I played Conjur Woman last year at Jesuit. Muaha!
The Cast and Crew and Wannabes (try to find me! Three guesses, and the first two guesses don’t count.)
Oh, and I’m faaaaaamous! Or something. :D
Of course, if I’m doing anything this summer (we’re suddenly tight on money, as the real estate market remains dry and my dad just lost another client), there’s no contest between that and the potential ArgentinaFest with Mon and Alicey, but still. DUDE.
This makes my 1:30 AM. Does anyone know who’s responsible? They are my hero.
Anyway, I anticipate sleep any time now. Just put in a lot of work on the suite Haunted House to prepare for the Halloween suite decoration contest tomorrow. We shall prod righteous buttock.
Just a reminder: Chris Rankin Webchat tomorrow! Don’t forget!
EDIT: Wah. Just realized that given the time zones, I’ll be in class during the chat. Oh well, I’m sure someone will have a transcript.
Doesn’t Bush have anything better to do with his time? Protection from Pornography Week? Sounds to me like a challenge. Jen? Sam? “Smagsby”? You’re on. :D
And for those not yet 18, we shall all watch xXx (the Vin Diesel movie) to celebrate!
(And you know what makes it all the funnier? That whitehouse.org–a parody White House website–posted this so soon before.)
Why Gandalf Never Married — a speech by Terry Pratchett. Hilarious. Even if you’re not a fan, read it for its amusing metaphors.