My feet RULE. My feet were inspired. This whole costume is going to be so nifty! Mum picked up the fabric for my tail today, so all is smooth sailing. Looks like all I need now is the rosary, face paint (we’re going ahead with the sex toy latex. So bad and wrong.), and some sort of Spock ears.
How to Make Nightcrawler Feet in Five Minutes:
Step 1: Take a big pair of gentleman’s slippers, aquired for $1, and chop off the top with a big knife.
Step 2: See how well they fit against your feet, with a chunk on the end for his signature third toe. Find where you want the toe division to be: between your second and third toes, or between your big toe and the rest of the piggies.
Step 3: Slice into it, leaving a wide gap.
Step 4: Put the sole at the bottom of a pair of blue tights (preferably a size or two too large for you), and then put your foot in. It’s really difficult to get them both in at the same time. Don the tights and be fabulous.
Step 5: Add stripey pants and you’re done! Mess around with the tights until the toes don’t look silly and wrinkled.
Optional Step 6: Double up the blue tights with a black pair so that the color is darker.
Now you can walk around with the knowledge that you will not cut your foot on broken glass and bleed to death, but still look barefoot to someone far enough away from you!