*GASP*! The actress playing Audrey in the new Broadway Cast of Little Shop of Horrors is Kerry Butler, who played Shelley in the Off-Broadway Cast of “Bat Boy”! I am SO stalking her and forcing her to sign my script!

EDIT: AAAAUUUUUUGHH!!!!! And Hunter Foster, the guy who plays Seymour, was Bobby in the original broadway cast of Urinetown! I KNEW I recognized the name!

I am SO going to see this. Three of my favourite musicals, 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon-style. *is filled with great, t00by love*

And if in New York, I just MAY have to stalk Hugh Jackman, as well, on Broadway in The Boy From Oz. I have to make up for my trip to New York two summers ago when I had the opportunity to stalk my two most beloved Alans (Cumming and Rickman) but DIDN’T. Multiple, multiple shame!