Joy. I have no recollection of my alarms going off this morning. I slept halfway through my first class, which wasn’t horrible, as it’s a lecture class and all the info the teacher goes over is on the course website. It was bad, however, in the sense that I needed to talk to Jing about some of the math homework problems, and my first class was my chance to catch her, as we usually sit together. I dressed and achieved hygiene at record speed and dashed to the computer science building, where I waited for Jing to surface. Hmm. Apparently she missed class, too. So I went back to Hill where to my great luck, Jeff was finishing up his homework. We worked together to finish the problems and all was merry. Rachel came by at one point and asked if I’d had class at 11, as I’m usually so responsible about going. T’was amusing. And now, lunch! ::stomach growls:: Apologies for incoherency.