Just watched 25th Hour with Rachel, Giselle, Jeff, and Vadim. It started so innocently.

Jeff: Is that the girl from “X-Men”?

Me: Yeah. Anna Paquin. She played Rogue.

We thought nothing of it. Then it started getting strange.

Me: Hey… the coworker guy looks like the guy who plays Pyro.

Then: A Guy: Hey! You’re beautiful! You look like Halle Berry!

We all snicketted merrily.

Then: Edward Norton: I want to be the girl from X-Men that can walk through walls.

We started getting worried.

Then, in the bar scene, I got an intense sense of deja vu. Another of the characters, Frank, was wearing a blue Yankees hat, large glasses with silver frames, and an off-white jacket. Which is exactly what Nightcrawler wears in the first scene of X2. I shared this with the group, with the warning of “At the risk of sounding like a complete geek…”

All were increasingly disturbed.

When the movie was over, I checked out IMDB to see if I was right about the Pyro thing. Not only was I correct, but Edward Norton’s father was played by Brian Cox, who played Stryker in X2.

In the great words of Teen Girl Squad, WEIRDED OUT.