Does this fall under the category of Cruel and Unusual Punishment? Maybe if, like, 15 of us pooled money…

Maybe some Good Samaritan will put the whole thing online pro bono Neil Gaiman fans. Ha.

And oh, A Screenplay. If only we lived in a world where any attempt at a movie based on something associated with Terry Pratchett didn’t merrily crash and burn into unresuscitatable oblivion.

Alas. Only yesterday, my parents were just complimenting me on how lovely and trim I was, despite new collegiate dining challenges.

Ice Cream Snickers Bars will be my undoing.

Parents have gone. Took a nice, long nap to make up for forgetting about Daylight Savings Time and going to breakfast an hour early. Now working on Songwriting paper on “The Wall.” Songwriting teacher = COOLEST EVER.

::stares at Lupin CG for a good five minutes::

How the heck did I do that?

::stares at hideous CG work on my next image::


My muse hates me.

Woo-hoo! Have solved the blue skin problem! I got some water-based moisturizing lotion to rub on my skin beforehand (it doesn’t hurt at all when I peel it off now!), then got some talcum powder to dry up the latex so that it won’t stick to everything. The result is a beautiful slate-blue color, and I now have the confidence in knowing I can touch stuff and go about my everyday life without worrying that I’ll mess anything up.

I haven’t tested it yet, but when I was at Utrecht today, I also got some blue acrylic paint that’s just a smidgeon darker than the latex color. I’m going to go all-out and draw in the scars as well. :D This is going to be so amazingly cool… Now only one question remains. Where the heck do you find elf ear tips?

Joy. I have no recollection of my alarms going off this morning. I slept halfway through my first class, which wasn’t horrible, as it’s a lecture class and all the info the teacher goes over is on the course website. It was bad, however, in the sense that I needed to talk to Jing about some of the math homework problems, and my first class was my chance to catch her, as we usually sit together. I dressed and achieved hygiene at record speed and dashed to the computer science building, where I waited for Jing to surface. Hmm. Apparently she missed class, too. So I went back to Hill where to my great luck, Jeff was finishing up his homework. We worked together to finish the problems and all was merry. Rachel came by at one point and asked if I’d had class at 11, as I’m usually so responsible about going. T’was amusing. And now, lunch! ::stomach growls:: Apologies for incoherency.

Just watched 25th Hour with Rachel, Giselle, Jeff, and Vadim. It started so innocently.

Jeff: Is that the girl from “X-Men”?

Me: Yeah. Anna Paquin. She played Rogue.

We thought nothing of it. Then it started getting strange.

Me: Hey… the coworker guy looks like the guy who plays Pyro.

Then: A Guy: Hey! You’re beautiful! You look like Halle Berry!

We all snicketted merrily.

Then: Edward Norton: I want to be the girl from X-Men that can walk through walls.

We started getting worried.

Then, in the bar scene, I got an intense sense of deja vu. Another of the characters, Frank, was wearing a blue Yankees hat, large glasses with silver frames, and an off-white jacket. Which is exactly what Nightcrawler wears in the first scene of X2. I shared this with the group, with the warning of “At the risk of sounding like a complete geek…”

All were increasingly disturbed.

When the movie was over, I checked out IMDB to see if I was right about the Pyro thing. Not only was I correct, but Edward Norton’s father was played by Brian Cox, who played Stryker in X2.

In the great words of Teen Girl Squad, WEIRDED OUT.