I’M SO HAPPY. Oh, why didn’t I do this weeks ago? So much agony and frustration and so many sleepless nights…

Mom and Dad, thanks so much for giving me the courage do actually do this.

I actually have a fall break now! And I’ll regularly be able to go to sleep before 2AM on Thursdays! I have a life again!

Past 2 AM. Finished Songwriting. Haven’t touched Java. On page 4 of an Art History packet 3/8″ thick. I’ve got miles to go before I sleep.

Advice to those writing Art History text: When you’re writing in English and you wish to quote a wise and witty and enlightening comment that answers the question you’ve posed over the last paragraph, SAY IT IN ENGLISH. I do not have the time or patience to look phrases up on Babelfish every other page.

In fact, you know what? This is what I have to say about Art History: *merrily tosses the packet across the room and leaves it there*

Good night!

1:15AM. Finished Math. Nearly done with Songwriting. More-or-less prepared for Java. Barely even scratched the surface on Art History. Ugh.

I am weak-willed and feeble. Last week, I gave myself permission to drink orange juice because it’s such a lovely source of Vitamin C. Usually, I try not to drink it because it’s so acidic and it upsets my acid reflux problem. But it’s so tasty. Now, with only a mild cough and a runny nose, I’m still drinking it. I wonder if they have support groups for this kind of thing. I have no self-control whatsoever.

::sigh:: Looking over my exam schedule, I noticed that as my classes currently stand (I might be switching to a different math class), I have an exam from 1:30-3:30 on the 16th, then nothing until the 19th, meaning that I could go to the Lord of the Rings TrilogyFest. I would probably just miss a bit of FotR. And if Allison and her friends were going, I wouldn’t have to worry about being in King of Prussia alone so late at night! I started getting really excited and looked up the details. Apparently, the KoP theatre is EVIL and started selling tickets several days ago, when all theatres are technically not supposed to start selling tickets until tomorrow. The theatre was sold out within one hour.

So no LOTR for me. Maybe I’ll take a studybreak on the 17th or 18th when it’s playing in a more convenient theatre, or maybe I’ll just wait until I get home. Still, it’s really disappointing. I’ve never seen the extended editions of FotR or TTT (is the TTT extended DVD even out yet?), and it would have been a blast to get to see them on the big screen. Ah, well. I’m sure plenty of you are in the same boat. *grins* Maybe I’ll convince the Dining Philosophers or some other equally nerdy group to arrange something similar on Penn’s campus, as there are plenty of movie screens about, and I’m sure someone will have the DVDs.

Edit: Hmm… it looks like Harrisburg hasn’t started selling tickets yet. I wonder how convenient that would be… Allison, have you bought tickets to the KoP showing?

Harrisburg Regal Cinemas Harrisburg 14: Here is some more info for ALL Regal theatres. This comes directly from a corporate email. 12/16 ONLY – Trilogy Presentation. This is a special ticket event, one price of $35.00 for the day, to see all three films. (IT has created the necessary pricing scheme at your location.) A New Line representative will be at each location to distribute a special commemorative gift to each patron for the Trilogy Presentation. MANDATORY ASSIGNED SHOW TIMES: 2:00 PM – “Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring”; 6:00 PM – “Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”; 10:00 PM – “Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.” (p.s. Most Regal Cinemas seem to be selling tickets online via Fandango)

Further edit: Oh, squee! I forgot that theatres are bringing back the extended FotR and TTT editions on Dec 5-11 and 12-15th! Of course, I’d have to go all the way to KoP twice in order to see them, which is no trifling journey, but the 5-11th is clear and I have no exams on the 13th and 14th, and I might not have one on the 15th. And they’re not sold out yet! And I could go shopping for Christmas presents for my friends and family while I’m at it. And I wouldn’t mess up my sleep cycle with a 10:00 movie! Score!

I’m ripping a page out of Renata’s book and answering comments in the main blog. Muahaha.

Matt: Take a chill pill, hon. I was joking about the flak Schwartzenegger has been getting for being quoted as admiring Hitler. “I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it.” Of course, this is taken dramatically out of context, and has been blown out of proportion. The full article.

Renata: Woe. ::resigns to waiting another week:: But wait! I’ll be able to pick it up after I finish my Art History midterm as a lovely treat for being such a good girl and studying so diligently! Even better!

Sannali: You are my hero. I have now used the phrase “canonically accurate” in a formal paper.

Elizabeth: Bite me, Burkhead. :D It’s not “grade inflation” when the class average is 46.

Renata again: Of course I’ll marry you! Oh, I thought you’d never ask! Join the great big happy Spencer-Suhinina-Sancken-Weasley-Black clan!

::squeaks:: Apparently, 1602 #3 comes out tomorrow. I shall reward myself for finishing my ungodly amount of homework with Gaiman-y joy!

California has put the “goober” back in “gubernatorial.” Absolutely depressing.

Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles!

::begins Art History reading::

Curse you, Terry Pratchett. I am now mentally incapable of separating Leonardo da Vinci from Leonnard of Quirm. Arg.

Edit: I really think I like Leonardo. One of the chapter headings in “Leonardo on Painting” is “On the mieserable excuse made by those who falsely and undeservedly call themselves painters.” Rock on, Leo.