Renata — the “Mona Lisa Smile” soundtrack, which features two songs by Tori Amos, also includes a song called “Beseme Mucho.” Just thought you’d be amused. :D
Okay. Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, Nineties. What do you call the decade we’re living in now? The Aughts? The Noughts? (The Naughties?) The 2ks? The Ohs? The zips? That Decade Between 2000 and 2009?
I’m calling them the Aughts until society decides otherwise. *tweaks Songwritng paper accordingly*
Wah. NyQuil Cough, you are worthless compared to your Cold and Cough brother. Dishonor upon your entire family!
HOBBIThobbithobbithobbithobbit… hobbit?
(response to Alicey’s journal entry)
PriscillaofDoom: Next time this happens, just pretend it’s Alan Rickman climbing all over you and licking your neck.
Aliceypoo: *laughs*
Aliceypoo: Alan Rickman with a sandpaper tongue?
Aliceypoo: Kinky :P
PriscillaofDoom: *shrugs* You never know.
PriscillaofDoom: well, if you’re capable of imagining a 4 oz kitten into the weight of a full grown man, I’m sure you’d be able to imagine away the sandpaper texture as well.
Aliceypoo: indeed
Aliceypoo: OH!
PriscillaofDoom: HOW WAS IT EVIL?
Aliceypoo: It cost $6.66
PriscillaofDoom: EVIL!
Aliceypoo: I pointed this out to the cashier
Aliceypoo: she went “Ooooo” and was like, “Wow”
Aliceypoo: I swear
PriscillaofDoom: freaky
PriscillaofDoom: the devil is in your meatloaf
Aliceypoo: in my french fries, rather.
Aliceypoo: perhaps i should spit like they do in “My fat greek wedding”
PriscillaofDoom: who is the celeb/fictional character of your choice these days?
Aliceypoo: hmm
Aliceypoo: Depp, I hate to say
PriscillaofDoom: bah, he is teh sexxor. don’t feel bad about liking Johnny. :D
Aliceypoo: Alan Rickman is brilliant and utterly talented
Aliceypoo: but let’s face it
Aliceypoo: he’s old enough to be my grandpa
Aliceypoo: Johnny Depp is merely old enough to be my father
Yay! tnm.n is back! *rejoices*
Auxiliary Backup Hobbit Fans rejoice! The Wonder of Merry. *dies of love for her Billeh and Dom*
::laughs:: When I saw this video, I had to make sure that I wasn’t accidentally surfing some joke website. “Don’t question authority! Vote Bush!”
Don’t you love it when the official websites themselves are funnier than the parodies?
Ugh. Great morning. I wake up to see that tnm.n is down (in fact, the entirety of is down! *seethes*) and I’m coughing up blood again. It’s always been in really tiny amounts, but this morning, it’s twice as much as usual. I’m trying to arrange for a doctor’s appointment as I type. So yeah. It’s blogspot for me today.
I started this in what, late September? I have the attention span of a gnat and the self-motivation of a dish of skim milk*. But it’s finally done!** Now comment or walk the plank, yarrr!
* Best. Phrase. Ever. Thank you, Renata! *hearts*
** Well, the VSP did get in the way… And, you know, academics.
(I really am studying for my exams! I promise!)