Back at school again. Alas and woe. But awaiting me in my mailbox was the next issue of Cinefex, which spotlights RotK (and Peter Pan and Master and Commander) and I have a Christmas card from Sannali! And Abe has the same edition of Lord of the Rings as I do, so I can borrow his copy to read the first 14 pages, which are mysteriously absent from my copy. Joy of all glees!
Also, I’m a complete moron and I just realized that I left the power cable for my 1:4 USB adapter at home, so I can only hook up two USB devices at the same time. At the moment, my mouse and printer are connected, but I’ll have to get creative when I need to hook up my camera or tablet or summat. I’ll have to make a list of all the stupid things I left at home, then give it to my parents at the end of the week so they can send everything together. I realized on the plane that I forgot my loofah.