::goggles:: Apparently, I am a BNF. *finds this and all comments on votes absolutely hilarious* Obviously, Maggie won by a landslide, but duh, she’s MAGGIE. I’m surprised I got any votes at all! *is pleased*
Aliceypoo: and did you see this?
Aliceypoo: http://www.livejournal.com/users/hpbnfdm_lives/3514.html#cutid1
PriscillaofDoom: GAK!
Aliceypoo: I wonder who’s behind this whole thing and if they actually knew that you and Mags’ve actually slept in the same bed :P
PriscillaofDoom: Since when am I a bnf? *flails* And I could never stand a chance against Mags’ super sexyness!
Aliceypoo: I was in an earlier round, i somehow got paired with Sam :p
PriscillaofDoom: *laughs*
Aliceypoo: the whole thing amuses me
PriscillaofDoom: *reads comments about my artistic ability*
PriscillaofDoom: *cheers*
PriscillaofDoom: *is SO amused*
Aliceypoo: there are some mean ones too
Aliceypoo: I want to thwap them
Aliceypoo: but then it’ll just turn into wankery
Aliceypoo: and artists will have nothing to do with wankery, unlike writers! ha! *sticks nose in air*
Aliceypoo: you are totally BNF
Aliceypoo: and Mags is too!
PriscillaofDoom: noooo, say nothing! bnfers aren’t real people, so they have no feelings, remember? Heck, I’m well aware of the fact that Mags is a better artist. I accepted it long ago.
Aliceypoo: *laughs*
favourite vote: “magsby. priscellie’s art is even uglier than starling’s, and that’s saying something.” *laughs and laughs*