::goggles:: Apparently, I am a BNF. *finds this and all comments on votes absolutely hilarious* Obviously, Maggie won by a landslide, but duh, she’s MAGGIE. I’m surprised I got any votes at all! *is pleased*

Aliceypoo: and did you see this?

Aliceypoo: http://www.livejournal.com/users/hpbnfdm_lives/3514.html#cutid1

PriscillaofDoom: GAK!

Aliceypoo: I wonder who’s behind this whole thing and if they actually knew that you and Mags’ve actually slept in the same bed :P

PriscillaofDoom: Since when am I a bnf? *flails* And I could never stand a chance against Mags’ super sexyness!

Aliceypoo: I was in an earlier round, i somehow got paired with Sam :p

PriscillaofDoom: *laughs*

Aliceypoo: the whole thing amuses me

PriscillaofDoom: *reads comments about my artistic ability*

PriscillaofDoom: *cheers*

PriscillaofDoom: *is SO amused*

Aliceypoo: there are some mean ones too

Aliceypoo: I want to thwap them

Aliceypoo: but then it’ll just turn into wankery

Aliceypoo: and artists will have nothing to do with wankery, unlike writers! ha! *sticks nose in air*

Aliceypoo: you are totally BNF

Aliceypoo: and Mags is too!

PriscillaofDoom: noooo, say nothing! bnfers aren’t real people, so they have no feelings, remember? Heck, I’m well aware of the fact that Mags is a better artist. I accepted it long ago.

Aliceypoo: *laughs*

favourite vote: “magsby. priscellie’s art is even uglier than starling’s, and that’s saying something.” *laughs and laughs*

Someone with more free time than me needs to make a website dedicated to the Fantabulous Philtrum* of Billy Boyd. Because dude, philtrums are sexy.

::runs off to make icons::

* Philtrum: n. The area between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip.

Edit: Scandal! Apparently, I am not the first to come up with the idea of a philtrum fansite! J-Lo, your philtrum PALES in comparison to the lusciously philtrum-tastic Billeh.

Mwahaha. Just got back from the bookstore, and out of five classes, apparently three don’t have texts, one is most likely optional, and the last is the same as one of my classes last semester. Go my schedule!

Dear President Bush,

You are a complete moron. Don’t push for things in the space program that you don’t understand. And I’m sorry, but with our economy in this state, the LAST thing we need is a revitalization of the Apollo missions.

VotingDean-fully yours,


Back at school again. Alas and woe. But awaiting me in my mailbox was the next issue of Cinefex, which spotlights RotK (and Peter Pan and Master and Commander) and I have a Christmas card from Sannali! And Abe has the same edition of Lord of the Rings as I do, so I can borrow his copy to read the first 14 pages, which are mysteriously absent from my copy. Joy of all glees!

Also, I’m a complete moron and I just realized that I left the power cable for my 1:4 USB adapter at home, so I can only hook up two USB devices at the same time. At the moment, my mouse and printer are connected, but I’ll have to get creative when I need to hook up my camera or tablet or summat. I’ll have to make a list of all the stupid things I left at home, then give it to my parents at the end of the week so they can send everything together. I realized on the plane that I forgot my loofah.

One of my classes is in room 12 of the Addams Fine Arts building. Addams-12. Please tell me I’m now the only one really amused by this.

EEEP! How could I have not posted about this? I remember writing the entry… Blogger must have eaten it somehow. Anyway, here’s my belated GUSH GUSH GUSH over the fantabulously rockin’ picture of Percy that Maggie left in the guest house for me to find when she went back home. *heartheartheartheartheart*

It bears the caption “Not evil. Just better than everyone else.”


Meanwhile, as my dad and I drove back from dinner, he referred to my car as “Baby.” Now, when I first got my car, I referred to it as “my baby” because, well, it was. But I said that I didn’t want the name to stick, and that I would come up with a better name eventually. Of course, I never did. But tonight, as he had read my post where I dreamed that he was Aragorn, I said that he was more than welcome to drive my car while I was at school, as “the King of Gondor deserves better than that ancient Cadillac.” At that, a potential name sprang instantly into my head. Brego, Aragorn’s horse? Of course, as my car is an evil, gas-guzzling SUV, my mind next went to the environmentally unfriendly Saruman, who, after all, has “a mind of metal and wheels.” This amused me far too much in its appropriateness, but as my car is my symbol of freedom in Dallas (and my friends’ freedom, the moochers XD), “Saruman” is a bit too evil for my tastes. Mmm, I shall continue to ponder. Maybe something will leap out at me when I’m reading the book…