Dear Jasper Fforde,

When your tour schedule says you’re coming to Philadelphia, would it kill you to NOT GO TO A HICK TOWN TWO HOURS NORTH OF PHILLY INSTEAD OF PHILLY ITSELF? Dude, you could have signed my copy of “Molesworth”!

Grudging love,


Dear “Liberal Media,”

Wouldn’t it be nice if you lambasted Kerry for anger issues instead of Dean, because Kerry has shown a lot more recent evidence of anger and ill-temperedness and irritability than Dean? (see the last two paragraphs) Let’s see how cool and collected Kerry stays when he has cameras in his face 24/7. Because if you want to be the President, Mr. Senator, you’re going to have to get used to it.

And “Yeeeeeahhhhh!” is not a cry of rage. Get over yourselves.

Much consternation,


P.S.: Compare this with this. Grrgh, Kerry.

*squeaks* Howard and Judy! They are so unbelieveably cute!

Other things on my mind:

1. *laughs* Christopher Lee was the voice of Death in the animated versions of “Wyrd Sisters” and “Soul Music”!

2. Quote of the Day, while discussing subconscious sexual imagery in advertising in my Communications class. Kid behind me: “The penis is pointing in the wrong direction.”

3. Last night, I saw my first episode of “Queer Eye For the Straight Guy.” Oh. My. Squee. *is dead of cuteness* ::downloads all the episodes she can find::

4. *gasp* In the New Hampshire Town Hall thing going on now, a boy just asked if he could pray for Dean. He then led the crowd in a prayer, asking God for success on the campaign trail and a just election and to heal Howard’s cold. I have just melted into a puddle of “aww”.

Item #75,364 Why I ♥ Dean: Top 10 Ways Howard Dean Plans to Turn Things Around. Click “Big Show Highlight” and be amused. [Edit: Get the full clip here on BlogForAmerica! Awww, he’s so cute when he’s greenscreened!]

Support Dean. Because four more years of “weapons of mass destruction-related program activities” is not what our country needs. Is there a way we can turn “Eeeyyeaaah!” into a rallying cry?

Hee, New Hampshire Democratic debates! Poor Dean sounds like he has a cold. XD His throat is still sore from Iowa. (Yeeeeeeeeah!) And silly Kucinich with his graphs! *giggles*

Mwaha! My friend Ko promised me this link, then forgot. But Brenna delivered, because she is cool and psychic!

See “The Two Towers” as it was meant to be seen! With all the badger scenes back in place!

I love the incestuous nature of geek culture. Silliness begets more silliness and feeds off of further silliness until the point that only total nerds get the joke. Mmm, geek culture.

Woo-hoo! Just got an email back from the director.


I am so sorry that you read the unexpurgated version of “Trojan Women”. I completely agree that some of the language and imagery go far beyond what I would want or expect undergraduate performers to deal with. I intend to cut most of the very explicit sexual imagery, especially from Andromache’s scene. And if there is any material you feel uncomfortable saying, I will certainly honor your feelings in the matter. I am thrilled that you are going to be part of our porduction, and so please reassure your family and friends that, while the subject of “Trojan Women” is indeed dark and deals very honestly with the horrific treatment of women during and after a war, it is not our intention to simply shock for the sake of shocking. If yoiu would like to talk in person about this, I would be happy to. Let me know. Otherwise, you will be getting an edited script and first rehearsal notiification very soon. Welcome to Theatre Arts!


Jim Schlatter