*gurgle* An interview with Billy Boyd on KissFM. Kilts! Really bad attempts at Scottish accents! Loch Ness! Haggis! Et cetera! Go listen!

(Click “Misc” and it’s the first thing listed. *happysigh*)


CNN.com: The Hubble Space Telescope will be allowed to degrade and eventually become useless, as NASA changes focus to President Bush’s plans to send humans to the moon, Mars and beyond, officials said Friday. (click the link above to read more)

*has the MST3K “Mike killed the Hubble” song stuck in her head, but is not amused*

Why is this man still in office?

Ha! Found it! Thank you, lotrboys_daily and bagendinn! It’s the image I referred to ages ago of Dom and Billy encountering photorealistic Merry/Pippin slash. (image originally from Theban Band, which is bad and wrong but also hilarious. NOT WORK-SAFE. Or parent-safe, for that matter.)

Those poor, poor boys. XD

I can just imagine Dom saying “I don’t remember doing that!” (or worse, “But I thought the camera was off!”)

(From the Wellington TTT premiere)

Hey, kids! Remember this? Lord of the Rings + the cast of MST3K = Edward the Less! Huzzah! I wish they’d continued it for TTT and RotK, though I imagine it would be difficult to handle most of the plot elements, as the majority of the major characters in LotR don’t exist. XD

I love my family.


You are no doubt familiar with the British expression “Keep a stiff filtrum!”

Keep your filtrum well covered up if you go outside.



BTW, has anyone actually tried to physically keep a stiff upper lip? I think there’s a Calvin and Hobbes strip on the matter. It’s quite difficult. You end up making some interesting faces.

BOOYEAH! Who just made callbacks for a show she wasn’t even planning on auditioning for? Oh yeah, that would be me.

I auditioned for the Penn Singers, which went well, but could have gone better. The accompanist and I just weren’t jiving, so my performance wasn’t as good as it could have been, but I made a good impression on the auditioners and everything and offered the bribe of my enormous Gilbert and Sullivan mega-libretto-thing, so my chances are still good. And there weren’t many people auditioning, so even though they probably have fewer spots available, I still feel like I have a decent chance.

But the real coolness was happening right down the hall. Jen, another of the Penn Singers, was helping out with the auditioning process for The Trojan Women, a modernized Greek play. I decided to stick around and audition just for the heck of it, and my audition actually went insanely well. There were two parts, one with a woman named Marcie (a teacher), in which we did mainly physical acting and movement to judge potential for the chorus, and the other with a man named Jim (another teacher) and his assistant director, Billy. There were three non-chorus female speaking roles, Helen, Hecuba, and Andomache. As my fellow auditionees and I glanced over the script excerpts, Jim looked at me and told me I shouldn’t even bother with Hecuba and that I should audition for Helen. What a compliment! To recommend that a girl audition for the most beautiful woman in the world? Dude. (Guys, take note.)

He handed me the excepts for Andromache and Helen and told me to read for Andromache first. By the time I finished the first page of monologue, he told me that I could stop, and started questioning me in that hint-hint nudge-nudge tone about my comittments “if you were to be offered a role” and told me that I had made callbacks. Very good vibes there. So yay! Saturday! 12-3! Hurrah! And such!


“The space between his nose and his lip. I think it’s called the filtrum. That’s f-i-l-t-r-u-m. Billy’s got a fantastic filtrum. You know how babies have that very cute, sweet little filtrum? Billy’s got the exact same thing! So that would be my #1 favourite thing about Billy.”

— Dom

I AM SO PSYCHIC! Feel the philtrum-love. And Dom, you are excused from the spelling error because you’re cool enough to know the word. *hearts* (Edit: Oh. Apparently it can be spelled both ways. I stand corrected.)

Further Edit: Looking for the source of the quote led me to this interview: Dom’s 18 Favourite Things About Billy (original source here). *is a melted puddle of fangirlish glee*

And let it be known that searching Google for Filtrum +”billy” results in a disturbing amount of RPS. *fear*

And it is now 12o with a wind chill of -4o. Life is so hard. And today is the first day of auditions for the Penn Singers’ production of The Gondoliers. Grblxmrusvl. And it only snowed like half an inch last night, lying, scummy weather reporters. *shakes fist at the world in general*

Wow. A Fox News article urging Republicans to vote Howard Dean? I never knew that signs of the apocalypse could be so beautiful.

Edit: And this just in! Carol Moseley Braun is dropping out of the race and endorsing Dean. How much do I love this woman? There are no words. (Though I’ll certainly miss her presence at the Democratic debates. She was like an oasis of pleasant tranquility and eloquentness. And I think I’ll take this as a sign that I should go to sleep now.)