
I dreamed that I was caucusing for Dean with the characters from “Firefly”. And I kept hearing David Bowie’s “Ziggy Stardust.”

Wow, barely even Monday and I’m already ready for this week to be over.

Answering Comments:

Tanja: XD! Okay, I won’t. *is amused* It would have been more trouble that it was worth, anyway.

Chungy: Sixth. Shutup. It will increase my understanding of digital effects and visual communication and editing. I’m a DMDer and I’m taking two film classes at once. Every movie I see now is like seeing it for the first time.

Hi: Aww, poor you! I’d say “poor boo” or “poor dear” or “poor ikkle [insert demeaning yet endearing nickname here]”, but I feel weird about saying that to someone I don’t know. Who are you? Please, commenters, sign your name with something I understand! And introduce yourself if I don’t know you! Come on, I don’t bite.

Mimi: Yes, Mimi. Frodo is on fire.

Mom: Because you don’t have a livejournal username, you have to click on “anonymous” posting. Just type what you want to type in the comment field and sign your name so I know it’s you.

Rebecca: And if you thought the pairing for my collab with Mon was evil, wait until you see my collab with Jia! *cackles, then has to drink a lot of water to soothe her poor sore throat*

RMLers: Well, we could doublepost entries and such and be dorky and such. And write filks about our coolness! Dude, I’ll set up one tomorrow!

*snickets* Cinefex reports that in the upcoming (2005) HHGttG movie, “Tricia McMillan will play hard-nosed space babe Trillian.”

Someone hasn’t done their research. XD

Yay, internet’s back!

Anyway, before I get back to my paper, let me just say how cool it is to watch great movies like LotR while taking two different classes on film. I keep wanting to squeak “YES! That’s an example of suchandsuch! How potent is its effect on the scene!”

Is it wrong that I’m considering doing a web layout for tnm.n inspired by “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”?

Meanwhile, LJ testimonials indicate that Dean is doing rather well in the Washington caucuses! I can’t wait to see the final tallies.

::has a lightswitch rave:: The system… is down!

And by system, I mean internet. Wah, no web for Priscilla today unless I go to the computer lab (where I am now), which is the only area connected today. Teh woe. Ah well, at least I won’t be distracted when I’m writing my paper for Film Noir.

Meanwhile, the first day of the Priscilla and Tricia Lord of the Rings Fest went swimmingly! I proved my status as Unquestioned Goddess of A/V Equipment and justified myself in my geekhood. Of course, it took me 30 minutes of agonized “WHY ISN’T IT WORKING!?!??” before I realized “Hey… maybe the sound just isn’t working because there’s not supposed to be sound here!” Stupid Howard Shore with his “Oh, let’s put music all over the DVD menus for TTT but not on FotR just to confuse Priscilla!” Grr. Ah well, I got it working, and I finally got to see FotR:EE on a decently large sized screen (about 10 feet), and it was all lovely. Though it was quite clear the Vadim was bored out of his mind. Poor boy. Don’t worry, Vadim! It gets more exciting! I probably should have skipped through the “concerning hobbits” bit. But it all evens out, because Tricia has joined me in my head-over-heels love for Pippin and his accent. XD

Tonight, we watch The Two Towers, and tomorrow, off to the theatres for Return of the King! Jolly good!

Here, have some Film Noir class quotes!

M: He has a very pretentious writing style.

Chris (the professor): He’s an academic writer.

M: Yeah, but-

Chris: That’s all I’m going to say.

Once you’ve seen Bad Boys II, there’s not much left. –Chris


Doesn’t that name sound like the very midnight call of death? Speak it not aloud, or its life’s pictures will turn to pale shadows and nightmares will rise up to feed on your blood. –Opening titles for “Nosferatu”, now printed out and put on my door.

Actually, cats are sometimes used as a symbol indicating a woman that doesn’t get a lot of sex. –Chris, regarding “Nosferatu”

It’s always fun to brighten your afternoon with Nazi propoganda. –Chris, regarding “Triumph of the Will”

The TV is very Pro-Israel. It’s refusing to air your propoganda on principle. –Me

…and if it doesn’t work, then we can talk about machines and how they’ve destroyed our lives. –Chris

Argen: He [Hitler] salutes like a pansy man.

Chris: When you have an army that huge backing you up, you can salute however you want.

[Nazis salute]

Me: You must be THIS TALL to enter the ride!

[Hitler salutes back]

Me: Somebody’s FABULOUS!

I’m lost at the plot of The Cosby Show, which is a very sad commentary as to my intellect. –Chris

But, I mean… all our male leads have been morons, right? –Chris

At the time, it was the most expensive non-Michael Jackson video. Back then, he was spending all his money on videos and not legal funds. –Chris, regarding a Madonna video inspired by “Metropolis”

Argen: At the time, I was going to make a comparison with Austin Powers’ fembots, but…

Chris: I’d prefer if you didn’t.

Chris: Does anyone else have anything they want to contribute?

Me: Well, we could compare the flooding of the city to the destruction of Isengard–

Chris: NO.

Your papers can have any topic, just as long as I don’t get 16 papers on Tim Burton. –Chris

Just shovel on the hubris! –M, regarding “Metropolis”

It’s one of those things where when you see it, you just don’t want to be human. –Chris, regarding the “Wing Bowl”, in which a 90-pound Asian girl won the Philadelphia buffalo wing eating contest

AUUUUGH! Gratuitous crotch shot! –Me, during M

And it seems to be the fate of this class… I’m going to end with a comparison to Lord of the Rings. –Argen’s partner, whose name I don’t know, regarding M. (He compared Peter Lorre’s performance at the end to Gollum, which is actually true. Chris tells us that Andy and the Gollum animators were actually partially inspired by the movie and based some of the characterization on M‘s murderer. And now you know!)

Someone: Thanks for raising the bar, Argen!

Chris: Yes. From now on, from everyone I want slide presentations and music and Madonna videos. You all have to find a Madonna video inspired by your film.

In other news, this amuses me.