“How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand there is no going back? There are some things time cannot mend.”

For everything else, there’s MasterCard.

Ah, another day, another primary. I don’t imagine Dean will do too well in any of today’s states, as he’s conserving his resources for MI and WA, but I guess it’ll be nice to get that over with. *sigh*

Meanwhile, I made an icon! Mmm, pirates. Who wants it? :D

Wow. I’ve been in Philadelphia too long. I looked at the weather forecast and thought “Woah! 34oF? It’s warming up!”

(This is way too much fun. *cackles*)

Good gravy! Item #14 for my list of comparisons between Dean and Aragorn:

Left: Aragorn at the Black Gate, Right: College-age Dean in his football uniform

And dude, he was a HOTTIE (click!). Them’s good genes!

ALSO: Dean was 30 when he met Judy Steinberg. 30 years passed between Aragorn and Arwen’s first and second meetings. *resigns to permanent loserhood*

And he writes his own speeches, Tanja! :D

Oh. My. Gravy.

That scene that Jackson places at the beginning of RotK, yet Tolkien puts not even halfway into TTT? With Merry and Pippin in Isengard? I didn’t think it was possible for hobbits to get any more adorable. The movie version = *swoon,* but the book version? GUH. Pardon me while I explode into ten thousand tiny pieces of hobbit-induced joy.

So much gleeful MerryandPippin-age that was left out of the movies. The woe! Of course, plenty more was added in, so it more or less balances, but dude. And I would wear a “John Kerry: The Real Deal” pin for a month to see Gollum!Pippin.

Of course, I’m still holding out for any explanation for how a hobbit could be mistaken for an orc.

Meanwhile, my throat is still wailing its siren indication that I Will Have A Cold Tomorrow, but for now, I’m enjoying what voice I have left. In this weird state, I always feel that it makes my voice sound a little like Linda Eder.

*munches Vitamin C drops like candy*

Dear book!Legolas,

Please stop using the word “grope” and complimenting Gimli on the “hardness” of his “axe”. I’m trying to be good and not to pay attention to all the double entendres that are ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE IN THIS BOOK TOLKIEN YOU PERVY OLD GOAT, but as Chungy tells me this book is supposed to be Pristine and Innocent, should be ignored. I was succeeding for the most part until YOU came around and started perving up Helm’s Deep. You are henceforth not allowed to talk ever again, and must resign to standing around and looking pretty. You’re good at that.

(Oh, and Aragorn and Eowyn have had only a scene and a half together so far in which they’ve only said like two words, and they already have more chemistry than Aragorn and Arwen. What’s up with that?)

