Dear gravy, I am such a loser. I just realized that I was picking out clothes for the day based on how well they matched my “Dean for America” button.
Off to Rittenhouse Square to gather more signatures!
Producer, Writer, Photographer, Cartographer
Dear gravy, I am such a loser. I just realized that I was picking out clothes for the day based on how well they matched my “Dean for America” button.
Off to Rittenhouse Square to gather more signatures!
So who else is going?
And Kerry, just because you’re upset the pot has called the kettle black and call the pot on his ridiculous allegation, it doesn’t stop the kettle from being black in the first place.
Happy V-Day from Calvin and Hobbes! Plus V-Day smoochies from Billeh:
If anyone remembers who made that icon, tell me. I can’t remember who I stole it from!
Apparently, people have been missing links, as I just have them a slightly different color and bolded, so I’m adding underlines. Let’s see if this works.
Edit: Okay, I lightened the link text. Is that better? Underlining is oogleh.
Presenting: Where Priscilla Was Between the Hours of 3 and 4:30 This Afternoon
What have you done for Democracy today?
Meanwhile, I’m disgusted at the levels of political apathy in today’s society. Only about 1/5 of the people we met were registered to vote (and only about 1/5 of them were registered to vote in Philadelphia county). And even if they were registered Democrats in Philadelphia county, some of them wouldn’t even spare the two seconds it took to sign the petition to get Dean on the ballot. Grr.
*is again reduced to laughing so hard she cannot breathe*
I never noticed that those LotR valentines had multiple pages for each movie! Oh, my sides…
Whee! The HPVP cards are up! Go squee over their cuteness and general w00tery. I’m a bit disappointed to see such a small turnout (“So few! So few have come!”), but the cards submitted rock, so no worries.
Shout-outs to (among those that read my blog):
Jia, I’ll try to have it finished tonight. Looks very likely! So yay.
I love this. It’s the ultimate pot-calling-the-kettle-black. Bush accusing Kerry of taking special interest money? Oh, my sides.
Anyway, I feel so industrious! I just cleaned my entire room, did my laundry, and I replaced the burned-out light above Rachel’s closet THAT HASN’T WORKED THIS ENTIRE YEAR. Seriously. It blew the first time I turned on the light the first time I entered the room. And when I saw how much brighter her keen flourescent bulb was than mine, I replaced my own. So now my room is both clean AND shiny! And I have a massive pink heart-shaped cookie for my troubles! Weren’t Friday the 13ths supposed to be negative?