Chris: I wonder what percentage of people only celebrate Valentines’ Day because everyone else does.

Rachel: I bet it’s more than 50%.

Chris: It’s ridiculous! They’re only celebrating it cause they think they’re supposed to!

Me: Kinda like voting for John Kerry.

Chris: ::laughs:: Too true.

Holy Expletive.

Last semester, for my drawing class, we had to each check out a book on figure drawing and share the images with the class. We were asked to lend them to Joan, the teacher, for the evening so she could look through them. I have no idea when the rest of the students got theirs back, because I never did. When I didn’t get mine back, I assumed that Joan and our TA had returned the books for us. How thoughtful! I forgot about it entirely until the day AFTER I got home for winter break, when I got a strongly-worded overdue notice. I emailed the teacher, but never got a response.

Since then, I’ve emailed her three more times, been by her office at least 10 times, and went by (and searched) our former classroom at least 5. Today, I got my 7th overdue notice, notifying me that I had racked up $115 in overdue/replacement charges. %^&%*^!!!! (Well $15 in overdue charges, $100 for replacement, so it won’t be that horrible if I can get the book back, but still. GAH!)


Edit: Okay. I’ve managed to figure out her course schedule, and she teaches painting this afternoon. There are only three or so painting studios, so I can probably find her. Urgh, this is so frustrating.

W00t! First math midterm, over and done with! Why they insist on scheduling it from 7:30 to 9:30 on a day when I’ve already had 6 hours of class (immediately after a 3 hour block, nonetheless) I’ll never know.

It’s over! We did it! *belly checks Wolfman and Clown With the Tear-Away Face*

Question: Does anyone know what happens to the delegates of candidates that drop out of the race? *pokes Clark’s delegates*

Meanwhile, more reasons to love the Penn Glee Club! They’re offering Singing Valentines. XD As I have no boyfriend, I got one for my roommate, to be delivered in her 100+ person Math lecture. *cackles evilly* I wish I’d also gotten one for myself, while the guys were there selling them. I could have signed it “Brett Bretterson.” If only I’d had more than $7 in my wallet! *shakes fist at my own laziness*

Yeah, we’re cool.

Eeeee! Joy! When was our Comm paper due date changed to the 19th? I had it written down in my calendar as this Friday! Oooh, life just got so much better.

Things that are good:

1. Getting 10 hours of sleep on a school night.

2. Wearing candycane-striped Grinch socks in February.

3. Looking through an unintentionally hilarious magazine in search of ads for my paper for Visual Communications.

Bragging Point of the Day: The woman who made the “Buddy Jesus” statue for Dogma is now an MFA student at Penn.

Ah, the things you learn by listening in on others’ conversations…