Apologies for the lack of entries this week!

Anyway, last night I saw “Hidalgo” with mum. It was quite entertaining, as mum kept pronouncing it with an overblown Spanish accent, so it sounded like “ee-dahl-gko” and I had to laugh at her. The movie was much better than critics have been saying it is, and totally worth seeing. (But what is it about Viggo that makes him so prone to receiving necklaces from people who don’t speak English?)

The day before, I saw “The Girl with the Pearl Earring”, also with mum, as she’s been poking me about seeing it for what seems like months. I was a bit disappointed by it, as mum had been going on about it being “liek teh best movie EVAAAAR!!!11one!,” and I just thought it was merely great. My Visual Communications course has clearly eaten my brain, as I was on occasion more engrossed in the editing than I was with the actual film. Mom was thinking “Wow, how beautiful” and I was thinking “You call that a shock cut?!?”

Alas, the woe.

We also watched the “Freaky Friday” remake, which was crazy fun.

BTW, does anyone have (or know where to find) a clip of Billeh singing “Oh, Jean” at the TORn party that doesn’t have the last second cut off? And does anyone know if an mp3 of the Gollum “The Towers are the Players” rap exists?

Woo hoo! This German website offers a sneak peek into what’s coming this November in the RotK Extended Edition! Spoilers, obviously, but nothing really plotwise that those who have read the book don’t already know. And plus, it’s all in German, so it’s easy to ignore the most likely spoiler-rich text and just look at the pretty pictures. (Personally, I got as far as “die zwei hobbits von Gollum (something) werden” and gave up attempting to translate. And I’m too lazy for Babelfish. :D)

Merry is great! Saruman is evil! Legolas is on his way to being drunk! Aragorn is Howard Dean! Arwen changes costumes a lot! Pippin is too cute for words! Gandalf lays the smackdown! And a most righteous et cetera!

There’s video, too, but I’m not quite that desperate. I can wait until November! Um… yeah. *looks at calendar and cries*

The Sam and Gollum Rap has inspired me. I think I’m going to burn a CD of dorky LotRboy-related music while I still have access to a working CD burner. To include Billeh’s “Hit Me Baby”, Half-Fling, Leonard Nimoy’s Ballad of Bilbo Baggins… maybe some of the “Once More, With Hobbits” stuff if the new mp3s are any good. (Later: HEE! And they are!)

The dorkier the better! Any suggestions?

And life is good again! In a flash of “OH!!!” I figured out why my stupid Java program of doom was throwing stupid exceptions and generally being obnoxious, so now I can go on and figure out why it’s not recording statistics! Yay! And I hooked my laptop up to the internet in a very Han Solo “THIS one goes here, THAT one goes there!” moment, so I got to listen to the Sam and Gollum tater rap, which just made life ten times more fabulous. So yay, off to debug some more!

Today’s addition to the “Priscilla Finally Reads Lord of the Rings. It’s about time” Diary: OMG FARAMIR &lt333333333 PETER JACKSON HOW COULD YOU???.


Thank you.

(Wow, what an original observation!)

Java needs to die in an exceptionally painful manner, preferably involving pitchforks.

This made me feel slightly better. And I am told that this is quite hilarious, but the computer I’m on now has speaker issues, and it’s the only computer in the house with working internet at the moment. Hopefully, both problems will be resolved Wednesday.

Well, I’m home, despite the weather’s best attempts to destroy our plane in a divine wrath-like display of lightning and turbulence. The plot was thwarted by our plucky young pilot, who made several Star Wars jokes in his opening schpiel, and deftly managed to keep our plane from falling from the sky like a giant aluminum brick and crashing into the wastelands of Kentucky. Thank you, dear pilot!

Meanwhile, my mom repainted my room while I was gone. It doesn’t really match anything, but it’s a lovely color, and I’m sure I’ll like it more once I’ve gotten used to it. In the week that I have at home before returning to Philadelphia. Yes.

Maybe if it eats all its veggies and studies hard in school it can grow up to match my bedspread.

Good night, everybody. Going for the late deadline on Monday. No improvement since 1, and my focus is slipping. Sugar and David Bowie music only go so far.