I really, really, really hate the world sometimes. How could I have made that mistake? I distinctly remember the Theatre Arts website saying that Trojan Women would be April 12-15, but now every single Penn website is saying that it’s April 22-25. *series of expletives*

April 25th! The March on Washington! I’ve been wanting to go ever since I heard about it months ago. Everything was arranged! Tickets, hotel stuff, everything! For both events! My parents now have plane tickets to Philly for the wrong weekend!

Life is NOT COOL and NOT FAIR and I got totally RIPPED OFF by the framer this afternoon but don’t have time to shop around for a better deal.

EDIT: But wait! Trojan Women is on each night at 8:30-10:30! Would I be able to go to DC for the day, then return in time for the show? Would I stand the chance of getting stuck in Washington? Would that be a really bad idea? How long is the train ride, what’s the schedule, and what time is our call? Wah.

*kicks stuff*

Light Cyan is now my sworn enemy. Just thought you’d like to know. Also my sworn enemy is whatever posessed me to wait until Sunday night to print all my stuff for the art show tomorrow. Still working on it now, and I’m going to have to skip two classes (one a lecture and one an optional lab, but still, I hate having to miss any class at all) in order to get my stuff to the frame shop on time. Curse you, art professor, for falsely leading me to believe we just had to have them dry-mounted! *shakes fist*

On the plus side, I’m printing in Meyerson as opposed to Adams, due to my feud with the Light Cyan (I will destroy you, and your heirs!), and the image quality coming out of the plotters here is absolutely unbelieveably gorgeous and I want to have ten thousand of this plotter’s babies. And it’s just $1.25 per square foot here, whereas at Adams it’s $1.50 per square foot! Teh w00t!

Oh, I forgot to mention!

I got to hang out with Dom and Billy in rehearsal today! That is, stage manager Billy Rosen and “Government Agent” actor Dominic “Dom” Romeo. Ever since learning Dom’s name, I can’t stop giggling whenever I see them together. Oh, and we’re using the first track from Viggo’s “Pandemonium from America” for my entrance.

Life is good. Life is very good. And also totally geeky.

So who else is going? I’m going with my mom, so I don’t have to worry about staying in a group. I’d love to hook up with anyone else that’s going to be there! To quote Renata, “hopefully lunch or something! and then, sticking it to the man! rar.”

Teh w00t.

And now, a meme: (Ganked from Samlet)

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:

Greek and Roman temples, into which (entry for Ad’ytum in Brewer’s “The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable”

2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?

My Wacom tablet, on top of my printer.

3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?

The last thing I saw on TV TV was the Oscars, but the last TV program I saw was the Smallville episode “Obsession” (3×14), yesterday.

4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what time it is:


5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?

HOLY COW, my watch says 9:46! *is freaked*

6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?

The wind outside

7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?

I went to Houston Hall in search of dinner (it was closed), so I picked up “Superman I” at the video rental and grabbed dinner at Moravian.

8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at?

My friends list, where I found this meme.

9: What are you wearing?

Black long-sleeved t-shirt and my favourite jeans. No socks.

10: Did you dream last night?

Yes, but I don’t remember it now. I remember remembering it when I woke up a couple times during the night. Er, the morning. At 9:30.

11: When did you last laugh?

Just now, watching Superman. Too funny by half.

12: What is on the walls of the room you are in?

Posters for Moulin Rouge, Amelie, FotR, and Discworld: Family Values, my Jesuit theatre posters, birthday gift art from Alicey, Mags, Friede, Alicey again, Jia, Jia again, and Megs’ “sexy hobbits”, my class schedule, a bunch of photos of my friends, a bunch of Ann Taintor “I think I feel a sin coming on” postcards, prints of some of my photographs and CGs (Nightcrawler, “Empire Burning”, the “Chicago” FA April Fools’ image, and the Magsby Remus collab), my “Fangirls for Dean” sign, and my Nightcrawler rosary.

13: Seen anything weird lately?

Not that I can think of.

14: What is the last film you saw?

The last movie I saw was Superman, but the last film I saw was “Dark City”, which is absolutely fantabulous and I would recommend it to anyone.

16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?

The LotR:EE DVDs. All the little things. Big stuff takes time. :D

17: Tell me something about you that I don’t know:

Ellie Rosenthal isn’t dead! I resuscitated her name again to represent me in a “name changed to hide the identity of the interviewee” study on Women in Computer Science. XD

18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?

Dean in the White House. Do you even have to ask?

19: Do you like to dance?

When no one’s looking. :D

20: George Bush: is he really doing Dick Cheney?

*snorks* No. Though they’re certainly in bed together metaphorically.

21a: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?:

I don’t even want to think about it.

21b: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?:

See 21a.

22: Would you ever consider living abroad?:

Only somewhere where they speak English with fast, reliable internet service.

*squeaks* Fiction Alley is so awesome. *hearts Heidi or whoever wrote the bios* I just now noticed the Artist Page for the April Fool’s Day gag. Hah, I almost forgot Trump was a Penn grad! Oh, Wharton, the mockery will never cease.

Tuesday is the deadline for submissions to a student work art show. We’re allowed up to three submissions. Does anyone have any opinions regarding what I should submit? I’m currently leaning towards Destruction, Death, and Desire, but I’m open to any suggestions.

See my LJ post on the subject for a full list of other things I’m considering considering.


*giggles uncontrollably* Even Aragorn parodies are Howard Dean! I’m reading Bored of the Rings to break up The Silmarillion, and to my great amusement, our idiotic future king Arrowroot had the following to sing:

“Against the True King Sorhed’s workin’

So play your cards close to your jerkin,

For fortune strums a mournful tune

For those whose campaigns peak too soon.”

Thank you, Harvard Lampoon, for making my 1AM.

Oh, and Rachel (friend-from-school Rachel B, not Roommate Rachel) has gotten me hooked on Smallville, and vows to get me addicted to Buffy and Angel this summer. I’d be afraid if she didn’t have such good taste!

Mmm, Clark sho pretty…

I hope everyone had a great April Fool’s Day! And let it be known that anyone that actually believed I would vote for Nader is a total goofball and a worthy subject of my mockery and scorn. *points and laughs* I don’t think I could ever talk about voting for Nader and wanting to get rid of Bush in the same sentence. Except just now, where I just did.