Der. Most auditons are in three days. Now would be a good time for me to start thinking about which song(s) to polish. :D

Hmm, Penn Singers is doing “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” and Penn Players is doing “Annie Get Your Gun.” Tossup.

Terry Pratchett. EEEEEEEEEEE. I got my hardback MAA signed (the one with scary Angua cleavage and a stubbly Carrot that looks slightly like Adam Pascal) and my Good Omens doublesigned. And he gave me a special message for Rebecca in my Book:

I love how Renata and I have used that EXACT PHRASE countless times in our promotion of our favourite emancipator proclamator, Abey Baby. You’re slipping behind, Grabman. :D

I think the high point of the evening was him doing his impression of “little goth girl” GNeil fangirls. “What was it like to write a book with — EEEEEEEEEEE — Neil Gaiman?” Hahaha, hearing that man squee is something I hope to never forget in all my days.

I wanted to record the talk, but apparently the batteries died, and I wanted to make a phone post, but LJ confuses me with its skankyness. Alas. I did get to talk to him about MAA: the Musical, and he filled me in on some of the basic procedure, then gave me his email address. I also asked him if we would see any more of the Carrot and Angua dynamic (as my friends and I are quite cross at the lack of recent shippage–they’ve only been in one scene together since T5E, and otherwise haven’t even been mentioned in the same books), as he said the next non-kids book after Going Postal would be a Watch book, called Thud!, with lots of Vimes and miniSam merriment (the kids book between Going Postal and Thud! being another Tiffany Aching story called Wintersmith). Man, that was a convoluted sentence. Anyway, he said (rather gravely) “Yes, but not necessarily in the best of circumstances.” Make of that what you will, especially seeing as he had said Thud! will be a murder mystery about a political assassination. The first line is something along the lines of “Thud was the sound his body made as he hit the floor.” Bwaha, spoilers are so much fun. Another line from the book: (Vimes’ moment of epiphany) “That is not my cow!”

I love how I’m planning fanart for a book that won’t come out for another year. I am a deeply sad and pathetic individual, and I love every second of it. :D

Oh, and he pronounced Crowley like “CROW (the bird)-lee” and Aziraphale like “Ah-ZUR-ah-fell” (he actually had difficulty getting this name out, kind of like Bush trying to pronounce “Abu Ghraib” in the State of the Union), which is tragic, as I’ve grown so fond of pronouncing it “Ah-zee-RAH-fay-el,” as Neil said it should be pronounced. Oh well.

So YAY, Pterry is awesome and the funniest public speaker in the world, with the kind of voice that would be perfectly situated for reading children’s books.

OT5! L to R: Dee, Ko (mah roomie), Pterry, moi, and M.

Whee! Just when I was thinking I had nothing artsy worth giving to Pterry, I remembered that not all my Discworld art is old and lame or inside-jokey! Young Vetinari! Score! Oooh, I hope I can use one of the keen printers tomorrow before I meet him. I’d be a lot happier being able to give him a quality print, rather than something off my dinky-in-comparison printer. I hope there’s not a wait to reinstate my printing priviledges… thankfully, I’ll be able to ask first period in my 3D Modeling and Animation course. Whoo! And it’ll be nice to be able to print some of my Sandman images to put in the common room… and I’ll be able to finally print a copy of “Dream” for Linda, the woman from my Santa Fe workshop who bought a print.

Edit: I tried a test print here, and it’s not that bad. Still, the color is a bit dingy, and it would be nice to have a better quality paper. Eee, I hope he likes it and is not horrified and confused by my senseless abuse of canon! :D

*giggles madly* I think this is my new favourite Bushism.

Man, it’s so great to have a Liberal roomie that shares so many of my interests. I love being able to share hilarious internet stuff with people IRL. *schnoogles Ko*

Glock drew River and Simon and Kaylee for me! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! My love for her and for them knows no bounds. [Note: You have to be a member of the glockart community to view the post, and if you’re not, I heartily recommend joining. She is so fabulous there are no words!]

Oh. My. Good. Gravy.

Mom and Ko just took me see “Hero.” This is easily one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen. Go see it. Now. I am rendered incoherent by beauty.