He kissed my hand. *squeaks*

Tomorrow evening, for his birthday, I’m taking him to see Bat Boy. If I didn’t have a massive Math midterm tomorrow morning that I am so not ready for, life would be so good right now.

I haven’t had a chance to blog lately, so I’m just dropping a line to say I’m not dead and/or comatose. Lots to blog about, though! And only a teensy portion of it related to politics!

Anyone in the Philly area is invited to the opening of the Undergraduate Juried Show! 5-7 this evening.

Thought for the Day: People that set off the fire alarm at 4 in the morning when there is no fire somehow always manage to incur my wrath. It’s uncanny. Especially when we were treated to another fire alarm in which we had to evacuate the building Sunday night at 2:30 AM. Climbing up 15 flights of stairs is not remotely even approaching coolness.

On the plus side, we had our print tutorials today (with 4 weeks left in the course, *sigh*), so I’ll finally be able to print the images for our common room, the woman in Santa Fe, and a few other people who have contacted me since. Life can be good.

Ooh! My t-shirt design is being voted on today at the Browncoats website. If you’re a member, I’d love to have your vote. And if you’re not a member yet, you can sign up here and get me 50 points while you’re at it. Hurrah!

best news I’ve heard all day. Ashcroft, Condoleeza Rice, and potentially Rumsfeld are expected to be replaced in the next Bush administration. Colin Powell is on the list, too, which is unfortunate, as I quite liked him in the beginning. Too bad he let the Bush team use him as their sacrificial lamb and destroyed his credibility. And as for Rice, she may end up taking Rumsfeld’s old job as Defense Secretary, or she may leave altogether. Fingers are now officially crossed that the new boys and girls aren’t worse than the current bunch, though it’s hard to imagine a man more evil than Ashcroft, with the possible exception of Adolf Hitler. Yeah, fingers crossed.

*goggles* Oh my good gravy. Someone is so getting fired tonight, but man if it’s not worth it.

Go here and rightclick the photo of the Bushes. Then check out the filename. If it’s down by the time you see it, go here to see the evidence.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t cheer me up enough to overcome the weight of my other cosmic shoe dropping in terms of why this election was so depressing. It’s one thing to say the DNC must be doing something wrong, for people to choose to reelect this man over our candidate. It’s entirely different to cope with the mentality of the people themselves. Renata summarized it nicely in the comments, “There are deep, deep problems in this country. Lots of them. Voter apathy, voter ignorance, racial tension, homophobia, latent misogyny, RAGING LIES FROM THE ADMINISTRATION, and whathaveyou.” Here’s a good reason not to blame Ohio or Florida. Rather sickening, really.

My brain is too fuzzy to think straight right now in order to continue this train of thought, so I’m going to sleep, but I’m sure I’ll post more tomorrow morning.

I’ve come to a realization. Curling into a fetal position and sobbing in a corner will affect no change. Bush is our president for the next four years, and barring a miracle, nothing is going to change that. Living in a state of post-traumatic stress disorder certainly won’t. Our civil rights, individual freedoms, women’s rights, environmental protections, and more are going to be threatened, and America and the world need us to be strong. I will go to sleep tonight, I will rest, and I will wake up ready to fight again. The DNC is going to have to completely reinvent itself, and we only have 3 years and 364 days to do it.

Obama in ’08!

Ko put it best in her “Baby’s First Political Heartbreak” speech to me last night:

What we have to do now is fight. Like what Joss Whedon said about the end of Angel: You have to keep fighting. Except we have half of the country on our side already, whereas on Angel they were four against fifty thousand. Whenever life gets you down, remember: Spike and Angel had it worse!

I have the best roommate ever.

And after all, if we let our mass depression affect our daily lives and we lose the will to fight back, then the Republicans have won [Note: was that phrasing obvious enough?]. I’ll make some snarky LJ icons, put mean photo captions on pictures of Bush supporters in today’s “Daily Pennsylvanian” and put them on the wall, and keep wearing my anti-Bush buttons proudly on my purse. While things certainly aren’t going to be great, they can still be okay.

Also, I found out that the prize for the Undergraduate Exhibition was $200, plus any commissions if my images sell. Add that to my salary from yesterday and I’ve made $295 in two days. Not too shabby!

At the risk of coming off as cheesy or trite, “Let’s go to work.”