Finally updated the “Fandom Dates (To Beware Of)” listing in the sidebar. It was about time! Am I forgetting anything?

Ooh! New poster and desktops for HHGTG!

When are they going to release images of Zaphod in all his 2-headed, 3-armed glory? And an actual trailer, rather than just the teaser? Grr. The media monster for Episode III has already reared its ugly pretty yet vapid head and is well on its way to destroying Tokyo, and HHGTG is coming out two weeks before it! When are my other geeky 2005 movies going to start promoting?

And I refuse to angst over “If only Universal had waited to make the decision to delay Serenity until after the trailer premiered in theatres!”. Yup, not even going to think it.

Now this is cool! The Perception Laboratory’s Face Transformer. Tanja, Rebecca, and I played with something similar to this when we went to that kids’ science museum in Queens.

We Begin — me normally


Baby — scary as heck

Child — moderately freaky

Teen — meh

Old — I could still take you on


Afro-Caribbean (which they spell wrong on the site, durr) — scary

East Asian — I’m cute!

West Asian — my eyebrows could consume entire villiages

Art Styles:




Manga — this will haunt my very soul

And Now For Something Completely Different:

Male — I would date me, provided I cut my hair


Just got back from a meeting with David, the director of Lady in the Dark. The production sounds like it’s going to be fabulous, and I am dropping Calculus like a hot potato! Yay, no more 4 1/2 solid hours of class on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Now if only I could find someone to sell my books to so that I’m not out a hundred bucks…

LOST. I am head over heels in love with Dominic Monaghan. Whose name is endearingly like a banana.

Spoiler One ahead! Only one calorie, not spoilery enough! (Woah. Surrealist to English translation: The following is very mildly spoilery. They’re there, but hopefully they won’t go straight to your hips.)

Walt. “You’re not looking!” Amusingly reminiscent of “You can’t see anything!” Thy Walt be done, apparently. :D Something Blue, anyone?

The revelation in the last minute? Saw it coming a mile away. It’s about time! Though it was nice to see diary cutness, I need my OTP! How dare next week be a repeat!

Also, the one-shot with the diary? Has to be one of the funniest moments of all TV. My roommates can attest to my cackling laughter all the way through the scene. Hence, see above “head over heels love with Dominic Monaghan.”

The CG polar bear I didn’t really mind. Probably because I’m so used to watching Buffy, whose CG n’ puppet creatures are laughably fake.

Also, I am so entertained by Boone’s behavior around Locke.

And that’s all I have to say about that.


Amber — Apologies to you and all other Ohioans. I didn’t intend to paint all Ohioans in a negative light (whee, mixed metaphors!). I was just being overly general in my frustration with the portion of the population that voted in favor of the Amendment. For future reference, know that if you find something I say in my blog that you find offensive, chances are it wasn’t intended that way. I was expressing my frustration at those that voted for the Amendment and the lawyers despicable enough to exploit an already appalling law to protect the perpetrators of domestic violence. I’m very much aware of how purple a state Ohio was in the past election; I’m by no means under the delusion that all Ohioans feel this way! As a Liberal from Texas, I know firsthand how it feels to be in a state whose population votes overwhelmingly against my own political beliefs. Keep fighting the good fight!

Squee! I met with Amy this afternoon to discuss my courseload, and she suggested I stick with my 6 courses and see how things go, and if anything, drop Calculus. I love this woman! After all, Calculus 3 is more or less optional, and if I wanted to, I could take Oceanography in its place. It’s just that it would make my future computer science classes easier, and would probably be generally good for me to know. I wouldn’t want to take it later, as I’ll have other big courses (read: math and natural sciences) to occupy my brain for my other remaining semesters. So I’m going to try my hand at 6 classes.

I am absolutely insane.

Oh well, I have until Feb 11th to change my mind. It feels so good to be willing to give this a shot, after spending the last couple weeks convincing my roommates that there was no shame in taking 4 classes. Finally, merry karmic payback for enduring Ko’s “Wah, I got an A- instead of an A” when I was saying things like “Yesss! Uncurved, I got .12 points above failing!” Ah, the angst of the Engineering student. :D

I actually feel really good about this semester. Let’s hope that doesn’t change.