Is anyone else having an exceptionally difficult time getting blogger to publish? And has this been going on for DAYS? *jabs at Blogger for being difficult*

As soon as I get a break, and as soon as I do all the stuff I swear I’ll do as soon as I get a break, I’m going to check out Wonderfalls. It’s nice that the studio execs are getting an inkling of the purported quality of the show. Maybe this will be a lesson to television that you SHOULDN’T CANCEL TIM MINEAR’S SHOWS, not that I, as a Firefly fan, am at all bitter.

Guess who got to participate in a videoconference with copyright god Lawrence Lessig this afternoon as a part of her Copyright class? Booyeah. He even mentioned how much he enjoyed the videoconferencing experience in his blog!

Yeah, we’re cool.

In other news, Kell passed on this amusing link on family history.

Spencer — English: occupational name for someone employed in the pantry of a great house or monastery, from Middle English spense ‘larder’ + the agent suffix -er.

Therefore, the name Priscilla Nelson Spencer hereby means SPINSTER “WE WANTED A BOY” LARDER! Woohoo!

Lost. &lt3 Drew Goddard! For the first time, I found myself not passionately disliking Kate. I utterly adored the banter between Sayid and Sawyer (GOOD LORD I LOVE YOU, SAYID. “It ran off with your tarp?” and that little grin and “Yes.” OMG *is ded*) and Hurley’s ramblings to Charlie. And I adored Locke’s story. “Well, that would just be silly.” *snorks* And last but infinitely not least: OTP!

Question: Does Clarie know what Ethan did to Charlie?

P.S. This random LJer’s review had me in mad gigglefits.

Dear Priscilla,

Checking every two minutes for a torrent of tonight’s Lost will not make it come online any faster.

Your Brain

THE TRAILER OF GLORY is now up on Of course, if you want to download a copy of your very own, go here or here, or email me (priscellie at theninemuses dot net) and I’ll send you the file. Or if your mailbox isn’t high-capacity like gmail, I can AIM/Y!M it to you. GLEEEEE!!!

The more I think about it, the more excited I am. I just watched it again this morning (via Amazon, even though it seems my copy is higher-res?), and I am officially in love with: Trillian and Arthur’s headtilt; the way Ford holds his towel when he, Arthur, and Zaphod are waiting to be “attacked” again.

Ashley and Schlien, did you get the file?

Back from rehearsal, with a delightfully shiny trailer in my inbox. As of 5 minutes ago, it still wasn’t available on the web, so if anyone wants me to send it to them, leave your email address in the comment field and it’ll be all yours in moments!

Overall, I’m very pleased. Humma Kavula looks fabulous, the Vogon ships DO hang in the air in exactly the way bricks don’t (though I do wish they were their canon yellow), Mos Def doesn’t look like his performance will be too painfully bad, Zaphod’s second head isn’t too disappointing (his third arm is fabulous; I just wish it was in more of the movie!), and I think I’m going to really like Arthur.

Downside, movie!Zaphod’s voice is going to take getting used to. Though his appearance is great, his mannerisms are definitely not jiving with my mental image.

And now I’m going to stop wasting time and get back to working on a reasonably hefty animation project.

HHGTG stills, courtesy of the IMDB! (Linked in Becky’s journal) This movie is going to be FANTASTIC.

And EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Apparently, the trailer is going to be online TONIGHT!!! Check the IMDB and Amazon periodically and be the first to “Zaphod’s second head, Ford Prefect in action, Marvin in motion, Humma Kavula and his body (or lack thereof) and more”! Via AICN, And hey, there are some folks on (in the thread linked above) that managed to get a hold of it when it appeared briefly on AICN, who generously offered to email it to the needy. As soon as I get a hold of it, I’ll be glad to share. Post there or comment here if you want it!

P.S.: Zaphod with black nail polish? YES.

In other fannish news, out today on DVD, Angel season 5 and the Director’s Cut of Donnie Darko. Plus: Serenity comic tie-in coming in July! And apparently, in the print version of Newsweek, there’s a picture? Anyone on FireflyFlans care to scan?

WOOHOO!!!! Ko and I got our first choice for housing next year! A two-room double with kitchen and bathroom, in Hamilton. Room 2213! With a REALLY easy-to-remember phone number! I just went upstairs to check it out, and it’s HUGE. The bathroom is almost twice the size of ours, and each of the single rooms are the size of Ko and my double room. There’s no surplus common room, but no worries. Also, there are massive windows that span nearly the entire wall, facing North. GUH. I am in love! No postcard view of downtown Philly, but hey, this way I can see at a glance if CVS or Fresh Grocer is open.


P.S.: Grammar Queens — what is the proper syntax for saying “the size of Ko and my double room”? Do I say Ko’s and my, or Ko and my, or something else entirely? And if it was “Ko and Priscilla’s room”, would it be that or “Ko’s and Priscilla’s room”? I’m giving up any bad grammar that does not impose on my writing style for Lent. XD

Oh no! It looks like the Second-Annual PA Shindig is probably going to be the same weekend as The Witching Hour. AAAAARGGG, why is life so hard?

Wintry mix! Ooh!

Wow, my brain is made of lumpy oatmeal. Computer science all-nighters NOT a good idea. At least some of the time was devoted to making things pretty…

Okay, back to work. Due at 4:30. We can do it!

(Oh–and when it really counts, my partner ROCKS.)

Happy V-Day, by the way! Muchas smoochies to the family and all my friends reading this!