Whee! One more tight squeeze overcome in the Gauntlet of Academic and Extracurricular Doom that is my life right now. The Virtual World Design game really came together. It’s slow-loading at the beginning, but it works perfectly. And my models and graphics are pretty, and the 28-second intro animation I put together in the last 24 hours went off without a hitch! Well, actually, there were a lot of hitches, but it worked in the end. Even though AfterEffects can’t compress Quicktime files to save its life, and the 28-second animation at Medium/High quality at 640×480 was nearly 500 megabytes. Yeah, that was fun to transfer from the animation lab. Thank gravy for the grand abundance of webspace in tnm.n’s new plan at Dreamhost!
I’m heading for bed now, as I pulled an all-nighter to finish the project, but before it disappears under a huge mental stack of other things to write about, yes, I did get to see Terry Jones today, and because I had to go to rehearsal before he finished his lecture and therefore missed the booksigning, Will graciously agreed to get my books signed for me. I haven’t talked with Will since then to verify that he indeed was able to, but Keith: I’m pretty sure you can expect something shiny and political in your mailbox soon. I don’t have your address on file, so let me know where to send it at priscellie at gmail.
And now: blissful unconsciousness. Good night, everybody!