I’m laughing so hard I’m in tears. I really, really love the posters at the IMDB forums. This particular post begins with “I think that Brad Pitt should play Aslan. It gets better from there. Link ganked from Makani.

And for Moni, as well as anyone else interested in seeing Chance: go to this thread. There are a bunch of folks eager to distribute copies, were one to ask nicely.

Joss Whedon to Write and Direct Wonder Woman. Woohoo! I’d be hard-pressed to come up with a director I’d rather have in charge of a movie about a comic book superheroine. Though I admit, in Priscilla’s Perfect Happy World of Goodness and Light and Severe Hotties, I would have preferred he end up with X3, as he’s proven he can handle an ensemble cast. Though I might have hurt myself squeeing over the possibility of a movie that was the product of Joss Whedon, Sir Ian, and Alan Cumming (okay, Hugh Jackman too. :D), so it’s probably for the best. La la la.

Oh! And even better news! That huge Virtual World Design project that was due Monday that’s worth like a third of my grade? The teachers took pity on the class and changed the due date to Wednesday. Life is so beautiful right now.

From DVD Answers.com:

Buena Vista has just released some early artwork for the first season of the J.J Abrams show Lost which stars Naveen Andrews, Emilie de Ravin and Matthew Fox. The set will be available to own from the 6th September this year, and should retail at around $59.99. Each of the episodes will be presented in 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen along with English Dolby Digital 5.1 tracks. Extras will include the never-before-seen, extended uncut version of the original pilot, exclusive, in-depth behind-the-scenes looks at the making of the show, backstage with Drive Shaft all-access pass behind the music, the art of Matthew Fox featurette; “Before They Were Lost” original casting tapes, a blooper reel, rare deleted scenes and multiple filmmaker audio commentaries.

EEE! Every feature they list just make it more and more squeeworthy. I’ve been hoping they’d do some sort of “Behind the Music” parody with Driveshaft! *snorks* And casting tapes! And a blooper reel! And deleted scenes! And extended footage! And commentary! SQUEEEEEEE! And yeah, I know they list Naveen, Emilie, and Matthew Fox as the stars because they’re the first alphabetically, but it still makes me smile. Mmm, Naveen Andrews. *happy sigh* So much awesomeness on that show. Not sure what they mean by “The Art of Matthew Fox,” though. Curious.

Oh, and Keith! Rumor has it that most of the 90-minute Lost finale WILL be virtually commercial-free! No idea why they would do that, as it seems like prime airtime real estate for advertisers, but hey, I’m not complaining!

And unrelated to Lost, Saturday is the premiere of the USA TV movie “Cool Money,” starring James Marsters. Huzzah!

I should probably mention that I’ve been writing blog entries in Notepad the last couple days, as Blogger is on crack. And tnm.n appears to be on crack as well. *jabs it with a stick* Oh, the angst.

Happy St Patrick’s Day! Kiss me, I might possibly have some infintismally small sliver of Irish blood is my genetic makeup!

*pinches all of you not wearing green, including a roommate who just stepped out of the shower in a non-green towel*

Oooh, Video of the WonderCon panel with Joss, Adam, Summer, and Nathan on the Browncoat website! Check it out: High-Res WMV, High-Res mov, Low-Res WMV, or Low-Res mov. And here‘s another nifty Serenity article. Nothing we haven’t heard before, but it’s nice that it’s keeping a media presence. (And they list Zoe’s last name as Warren. Feh. I still prefer it to “Washburn.”)

Also, Joss won’t be directing X3 (the job will go to Matthew Vaughn, director of LAYER CAKE), but in two days (at least, according to AICN), we’ll have a decision re: Wonder Woman!

GLEE! Lost season finale news! From Lost Media (via LJ comm charlie_claire):

lostrocker writes “LOST writer Javier Grillo Marxuach said at The Fuselage that the season finale will be a 2-part piece. Episode 23 being part 1, a regular 1 hour episode. Episode 24, part 2, will be 90 minutes long.”

Be still my beating heart!

Oooh, thanks to Cyth for reminding me!

HAPPY 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375
17122680661300192787661119590921642019 . . . DAY!

Also, it is now exactly 200 days until Serenity. On one hand, ooh! On the other hand, *sob*.