O Rapture! Priscilla might actually be able to start animating before the project is due!
(Man, I love the facial expressions I can achieve with my Hattie.)
While working, I’ve been listening to this lovely stream of the HHGTG soundtrack. With the notable exception of the Marvin’s bit at the end, I find myself really enjoying the songs. I started out rather skeptical, and with the skepticism, I found the lyrics moronic. However, as soon as I forced myself to stop being so limited, I quickly learned to stop worrying not panic and love the bomb Vogon demolition squad. Someone wrote that the songs reminded them of Eric Idle’s style, and I tend to agree. Excluding, of course, the Marvin song. That’s just kind of painful. He may be one of the most loved characters in the trilogy, but at no point is he “cool.”
So who wants in on the betting pool for how long it will take fandom to produce an LJ icon with the list of Zaphod’s qualifications for Presidency, only using Bush? Man if they’re not playing that up. “Freedom, and I dunno, Democracy! Stuff like that! Yeah!” Feh.
As for the score, I’m hearing a lot of Elfman influence. Probably because I’ve been listening to a lot of the Music For A Darkened Theatre compilation recently. Very pleased to see that “Voyage of the Sorceror” made the cut! And that’s all I have to say about that.
(Wow! A whole entry and not one mention of the Pope! Except that one right there, which so doesn’t count. Yes.)