Watch as Priscilla RACES AGAINST THE CLOCK! The rat walk cycle is completely done, and I’m a little more than halfway through with the rendering the final scene of “Little Old Lady Land”. It’s split up over 12 computers. :D Will I make my 4:00 flight? Not a chance in hell. But still I race!

And come to think of it, I haven’t eaten yet today. Stupid biological necessities.

Can it happen before 4PM?
— Finish the Maya render: 1 hr? (If I take over the Mac lab downstairs and the computers in Meyerson, this can be significantly diminished?)
— Render the full movie in AfterEffects: 1 hr
— While rendering in AE, run to bookstore, resell textbooks and buy blank CD, then return rogue library book: 0 min
— Burn everything to CD, turn in to professor’s mailbox: &lt10 min
— Return to room (10 min), grab all bags, hobble to the street, and flag a cab (10-15 min)
— Go to airport (20-30 min)
— Be there at least 30 minutes in advance.

Time it would have to be right now in order to be able to make my flight: About 12:40.
Time it is now: 2:20.

This is why one must NEVER SLEEP. If I’d managed to miraculously pull off another all-nighter, I’d be going home today. But no, I am weak. I intended to take a one-hour nap, but I didn’t hear my alarm, and the “nap” ended up being four hours. I just called my mom, who is now changing my airline reservation for me to a 6AM flight tomorrow morning, as there are no later flights today. This will be interesting, as both my alarm clocks are now in storage, as are my sheets and pillow. Maybe someone will lend me a towel. Good thing I hadn’t checked out of my room yet. And at least with a 6AM flight, I’ll still be able to be on time for any Mother’s Day festivities that I may have accidentally mentioned to said mother in said phone conversation, that she may or may not have been supposed to know about. Um… at least I’ll actually have time to find a card now!

And now I’m off, in a valiant quest for food!

Got an A on my Copyright final project, giving me an A- for my final grade. Takes the sting out of my inevitable failure in my Networked Life class.

Oh. The exam started at 11.

I think that’s about all that needs to be said about my morning. Except how it doesn’t even scratch the surface of everything that’s gone wrong today.

Okay, I got a couple hours’ sleep and I’m feeling much better about the world. My paper is going smoothly, I figured out how to import my data into Excel and make a histogram graph (tonight marks the first time I even opened the program), I can actually read full sentences again, and I might actually have time to feed myself lunch today! I’m wearing my “My Universe is Pain and Emptiness” shirt to cock a snook at the world.

I’ll just head for the animation lab as soon as my exam is over, animate my little tush off, re-time stuff in AfterEffects while the last two shots are rendering, put it all together, export for DV and for web (one so I don’t fail and the other so you guys can enjoy the reason I have bags under my eyes manufactured by Zero Halliburton), pray that it’ll be small enough to FTP to myself, burn to CD, turn in, then pack like a madwoman.

As for packing, I think it’s going to go relatively quickly. Ko is long gone, so I don’t have to worry about mixing up our stuff, and I have the entire room to lay out all my posessions into “ship”, “store”, and “sgo in my bags I bring with me to the airport” heaps.

One more all-nighter cannot kill me, and will instead make me stronger. That is, unless I zone out at the airport tomorrow and get run over by a trolley. I can sleep on the airplane. Last Wednesday’s episode of “Lost” can wait, as I learned from past experience that watching “Lost” while on a plane is a terrible idea. When I was coming home for Christmas holidays, I tried watching the pilot, and the INSTANT the plane on TV experienced its first lurch of the inevitable crash, my plane started experiencing turbulence. I have experienced few things in my humble 20 years I found freakier. And I just used the word “experienced” three times, but I am past the point of caring. My inner thesaurus is already on summer break, and soon I will be, too.


I keep trying to push on, but my brain decided two days ago that it was finished and it now refuses to pull its weight. I’ve written about four sentences in the past two hours. I try to read over snippets from the course texts, and by the time I get to the end of the sentence I can’t remember what the beginning was. I feel like no matter what I cover in my paper, I’m undoubtedly going to have somehow missed whatever boat our professor had in mind. I’m not even approaching ready for tomorrow’s exam. There’s too much material to cover, and I’ve been spending all my time scrambling to complete stuff for my other classes… I’m going to completely bomb this exam, just like I failed the midterm (though admittedly, it was a “high” F, to quote Mrs. Krabappel), and when dear god WHEN am I going to have time to finish my animation?

Come on, brain. The more you cooperate, the more likely you are to see sleep at some point.

Edit: Okay, threw together my extra credit paper.

Further edit: “gross of cliques” is the most bizarre phrase I can recall using in a paper.

*facepalms* I was working on Star Wars-inspired stuff most of yesterday, and I still managed to completely forget.

Belatedly, May the Fourth be with you.

Whew! Just got back from my Virtual World Design presentation, which went swimmingly. Ari and David are programming gods. That is, they are gods of programming, rather than somehow engaging in the act of coding the inner workings of deities. And my artwork and animation went over well, so yay. And I figured out how to compress movies in AfterEffects, so I’ll definitely be able to upload my animation final project when it’s done. One more project out of the way!

Still To Do:

  • 10-page paper for Networked Life. Due tomorrow at noon.
  • Short paper 1-2 pages for (much needed) extra credit for Networked Life. Due tomorrow at noon.
  • MASSIVE CRAM SESSION and half a semester’s worth of reading catch-up for Networked Life. Exam tomorrow at noon.
  • Finish animating “Little Old Lady Land,” futz with timing of certain sequences in AfterEffects, as some of it came out much slower than I intended. Must be rendered, edited together, etc, before I leave Saturday afternoon.
  • Find time to PACK everything, as the storage company is coming Saturday morning.
  • Come up with something for Mothers Day.
  • Sleep?
  • Curse you, deadline elves!

    Jane Austen Action Figures?

    Meanwhile, back in Academia Land, I just reopened I file (for my Virtual World Design project, due tomorrow. Or rather, today) I last worked on two weeks ago. I entertain myself so easily. I set up a makeshift Star Wars crawl, and wrote up some silly dummy text to test it with. This is what I wrote (contains spoilers for Lost 1×20 “Do No Harm”):

    Episode XLII
    The Fangirl Menace

    Fnar. The fontmatching isn’t perfect, but it’s good enough for me!

    Angst has descended upon the fangirl community. There are another two weeks before the next episode of LOST. Locke is JESUS, Sayid is HOTNESS incarnate, and Claire has just given birth to the ANTICHRIST. If she doesn’t name him BOONE, she should call him ADAM. Or DAMIEN. Damien’s popular.

    Procrastination is awesome.

    Fandom just makes the world better.