WASH!!! MONTY PYTHON!! MONTY PYTHON AND WASH!!! ALAN TUDYK IS JOINING THE CAST OF SPAMALOT!!!!! He will take Hank Azaria’s spot as Lancelot, The French Taunter, Knight of Ni, and Tim the Enchanter. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! WASH!!!! SINGING!!!

And Hank Azaria is taking off from June to November, so if I can get tickets for Spamalot in September, the timing would be perfect.

I dare you to come up with something cooler at this moment.


(The only thing that would make this any better would be if they maybe listed Firefly in his list of credentials. Oh, and linked from the fantabulous Beth.)

AAARGH again. I went to double-check the UTD website to make sure that my second class had not been cancelled before beginning the rush-hour trek to the school, and I found that while it lists my second class as “open”, it still lists the first class as “open”, too! And it still appears on my student schedule! Rrgh, useless.

NOT COOL. They cancelled the Intermediate 3D Modeling/Animation course. And of course, they never phoned or emailed me about the cancellation, so I wasted an hour and a half of my afternoon driving over to UTD and back. The Advanced course this evening is still in place, however, so I’ll still have something animation-related this summer, but it starts at 6PM, and because of traffic at that hour, I’d probably have to leave at 4. It’s just under 30 minutes without traffic, and now I’m going to be going up during rush hour. Rrgh, hulk smash!

Just woke up from some exhaustively vivid dreams; now waiting for the NyQuil to overcome the brownie and orange juice I consumed so I could take the pain pill.

In my sleeplessness, via Whedonesque: a sneak peek at the Serenity comic (takes place between “Objects in Space” and the movie).

The dialogue really hits home how much I love Nathan Fillion. It feels so awkward and flat on the page, but then you imagine Nathan’s voice behind it, and the life-force is renewed! Well, it’s that way for all the characters, but it seemed more significant with Mal. I don’t know, my brain is fuzzing out. Back to bed for me.

Potter fans — what’s up with all the question mark broughaha? Is it a hoax? Is it something real? Do we know what it is yet?

Gah, I fail! How is it that I left “Anansi Boys” off my “Fandom Dates” sidebar listing and my Summer Guide? I fail, and you all fail for not picking up on it.