Aww, Peej! For me? But my birthday isn’t for another 5 months!

Our first peek at the King Kong trailer. Ganked from Indy!

I just hope the CG improves before December. The motion itself is excellent, but in terms of texture and whatnot, the dinos look nowhere near as realistic as the beasts of LotR. I’m actually surprised that they didn’t mention LotR in the trailer. I guess they assume the average moviegoer knows who Peter Jackson is. (Otherwise, I may have to slap the average moviegoer with a fish)

*hums “I’m Going Home”, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone familiar with Rocky Horror*

Oh! I neglected to mention that I ran into Mr. Oliver and Miss Morton (or rather, Mrs. Oliver, but we all still call her by her maiden name) at Good Eats yesterday! They did all the music-related stuff at Jesuit, so we got to be very close in the two musicals I got to do there. It was great to get to catch up with them! I only wish I wasn’t in my dorky exercise clothes at the time. :D

Also, I decided last night that rather than trying to attend “The Witching Hour” (the HP convention in Salem), I’m going to the second-annual Pennsylvania Shindig instead, which is the same weekend. Many of my online friends I had thought were going to TWH have said in the past month that they were no longer able to go, and because of my class schedule and the difficulties of getting to and from Salem by public transportation, I would miss half the programming. Nimbus 2003 was insanely fun, but a Firefly convention the weekend after Serenity opens? Hijinks will most definitely ensue.

I understand Grokster will be decided tomorrow. Let’s hope none of our morally-sound-and-currently-technically-legal practices are deemed otherwise!