We believe we have the dates for the next set of Serenity screenings: July 28th. Tickets should go on sale July 14th. Go here for more info and tips for getting tickets!

I won’t be going to the screening, as I feel going for a third time would be terribly unfair to those who haven’t had a chance to see it, though I don’t doubt that I’ll be hanging around at the theatre anyway, squeeing with all the obsessives and hoping that we’ll be blessed with an actor.

Fair Warning: If anyone I knows posts spoilers for HP6 without an LJ-cut or similar, I will beat them to death with a shovel. I’m choosing to remain spoiler free, and I’d like to be able to continue reading my flist for the next week without worrying about being spoiled rotten. Please be considerate. Offhand, I can’t think of anyone on my flist that would do such a thing, but it’s best to be paranoid. Furthermore, if you have an LJ, and someone leaves spoilers in the comments, please update the entry to warn of the hidden danger.

Muchas smoochies! Three cheers for the spoilerphobes and those that indulge them.

Jasper Fforde Appearances Schedule! Woe, nowhere Dallasways. Just Houston and Austin. And he doesn’t even have the decency to coordinate it with the Texas Shindig in Austin, August 5-7, that I was idly considering attending. Noooo, he’s going through Austin on the 1st. Oh well.

Anyway, my dad’s surgery went swimmingly well! Yay for Burkhead’s dad, God among Shoulder Surgeons! He’ll be coming some time today. *cheers* And at the hospital, I saw boxes of disposable blue-hand gloves, but I was too chicken to steal a pair. But seeing as how everyone at the Pennsylvania Shindig knows me as River, having a pair of blue gloves would be a bit creepy. Of course, that didn’t stop me from bringing along my Blue Sun shirt…

My dad is about to go into surgery for his rotator cuff. He learned the important lesson that rugby + over-the-hill people = not the best combination. *shakes fist at crazy old guys with no sense of restraint, who think that sacking full-strength post age 60 is fun* Wish us luck!

Just now watching this week’s episodes of The Inside. Danny likes Flowering Onions! And he was so sad and vulnerable in the second episode, listening to the tapes. Aaawww, I love this character! Feeling the Danny Love! And Yay for puns. If there really is no hope for the uncancellation of The Inside, someone get Adam another job post-haste.

*blogs from Charlie*


I love how my first act on this new machine was to install Mozilla. I am so well trained.