Zounds! My blogger post count just started working again, and apparently this will be the 5005th entry in “Cult of Lincoln”! That definitely merits special recognition. And to mark such a momentous occasion, I will post a meme. Ganked from everybody.

Make a list of all the characters in your icons. (Although you may have more than one icon of a single character, they only go on the list once.) Alphabetize it. Take the first two people on the list; that’s your first pairing. Second two people; second pairing. Etc.

I have a ridiculous number of icons, so I’m only posting the highlights:

Andrew Wells (Buffy)/Anthony Crowley (Good Omens) — they try so hard to be evil!

Charlie Pace (Lost)/Cordelia Chase (Angel) — There’s something satisfying about the way their names sound together.

Darth Vader (SW)/Dawn Summers (Buffy) — Hah! Well, she already had one crush on a guy that was evil, but turned good.

French Taunter (Monty Python)/George W Bush — Quite possibly my favourite pairing EVER

God (Monty Python)/Gollum (LotR) — Kills me dead.

Harry Potter/Hermione Granger — About as likely as any of the rest of these pairings! *ducks*

Kaywinnit Lee “Kaylee” Frye (Firefly)/Kip Dynamite (Napoleon Dynamite) — Fed up with her inability to connect with Simon, Kaylee finds someone so open with his feelings that he will compose a song for her upon their wedding!

Mooch (Mutts)/Nagini (HP) — though I think a relationship between an evil snake and a lovably dimwitted, naive cat is doomed from the start

Napoleon Dynamite/Princess Leia (SW) — HAHAHAHAHA.

Spike (Buffy)/Spongmonkey (We Like Tha Moon) — Well, fans have paired Spike with everyone with or without a pulse. It was inevitable.