Off to see Serenity! Well, dinner, then Serenity! LA!
A brief article on the politics of Joss, Firefly, and Serenity at the Daily Kos.
A great review from
Red Carpet Interviews with the cast (minus Gina). Watch the Nathan/Ron/Sean clip. I’m not going to give anything away, but trust me. Dear god, I love Nathan Fillion.
And it also has the highest “fresh” rating of an action film this year, according to!
Man! Why did the temperature have to drop so suddenly? I was planning on wearing my River dress to class! I guess I’ll wear Kaylee, even though that’s what I was planning on wearing tonight to the screening. I have a movieverse-eque long-sleeved shirt that would be warm enough, then I could unroll the pants. The Zoe outfit is just slightly too costumey to wear in real life.
Or of course, I could wear the River dress with a light jacket. It’s long enough, and I’ve got my rockin’ movie boots to keep my feet comfy. Or my super-long all-fandom all-awesome coat! Wow, I look like “if River starred in The Matrix, but didn’t want to kill any cows for her outfit.”
*pauses, looks over entry*
Wow. I’m blazing new trails in lameness. Still, EEEEEE! Movie!
SERENITY today! Also Mirrormask, if you’re lucky enough to live in a city where it’s being released!
Ebert and Roper give Serenity three stars and two thumbs up! Also, thanks to a deluge of positive reviews, we’re now fresh at! The Dallas Morning News gives it an A- (Mirrormask, too!).
A good day for sci-fi fans!
In 24 hours, the theatre’s mockable slide presentation will give way to a series of trailers and Fanta ads, which will then give way to GENIUS. And the world will know what I and a few hundred other flans have been sitting on for FOUR MONTHS. INTO THE BLUE SERENITY. EEEEE.
Well, two seconds of James Marsters is better than nothing. :D
Amy (my advisor) sent out an email to the DMDers, asking if we’d like to give prospies a tour or even put one up for the night. I told her I’d love to, and I am now playing host to a girl that could just as well be three-years-ago me. She’s giddy beyond the telling of it at the idea of DMD, and she’s quite the Potter fan. DMDers are always the coolest. I hope she gets in! She’ll be here October 13th and 14th.
Oh my god, best worst best headline ever! Ganked from Croupier.
I’m in the process of publishing a bunch of old entries that I had saved as “drafts” for whatever reason. So if you see a bunch of posts from several months ago, there’s an explanation.
Homorphus Charm:
homo”: (Greek) the same + “morph”: change shape [force a werewolf NOT to change] OR “homo”: L. man + “morph”: change shape [force werewolf into human shape]
Or, you know, if could be a charm to turn a werewolf gay.
Ah, the things I don’t dare post on WIAN. :D
YESSSSSSS!!!!! I always suspected Jason Fox was a Firefly fan! Ko can attest to the fact that I just spend the last five minutes jumping around the room and squealing, until she kicked me out so she could watch Veronica Mars. Life is awesome.