Just finished the audiobook of Grave Peril, the third book in Jim Butcher’s “The Dresden Files.” According to the website I preordered it from, it wasn’t supposed to ship until December 1st. Well, it and book #2, Fool Moon, arrived Monday morning!
[earlier this week]
Me: *bleeds* Bite me, Universe.
God: Here, have the second and third “Dresden Files” audiobooks, read aloud by James Marsters.
Me: Praise Jesus!
Mmm, mp3 CDs. Half-price. I’ve been listening almost solidly since Monday evening, in all the time I wasn’t sleeping, cramming for my Psyc midterm (which I think I ROCKED), or in class. Now I’m off to put a dent in all the other delicious books on my to-read list, or at least until I buy the remaining books in a lump on ebay the Philadelphia library gets ahold of the fourth book in the series.
I’m so glad my fangirlyness led me to discovering these books! Thank goodness for the lovely ladies at Phauxcon, who kept gushing over them. If you’re looking for another fandom great book series, consider checking them out. And if you choose to go the audiobook route, so much the better!
(Whee, Veronica Mars in a few minutes!)