From Wonkette’s The War on Christmas: Mutually Assured Embarrassment, via Indy:
“But be careful what you wish for: if the President was to learn of a mysterious trio of swarthy gentlemen smuggling goods to a newly born child who’s destined to grow up to be the leader of a Middle East insurgency, he’d have Colin Powell up at the United Nations portentiously waving around a vial of frankincense. They bomb mangers, don’t they?”
Bill O’Reilly accuses Jonathan Stewart Leibowitz of being anti-Christian. Jon Responds.
Speaking of scary evangelicals, go here to see a truly frightening human being. From Trading Spouses.
For actual war-on-Christmas, here’s a link to a highly amusing Unitarian Universalist filk of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.”
And totally unrelated, but hilarious: A report from the set of Brokeback Mountain.
“Ang Lee recounted in several interviews that when Michelle Williams needed to film a scene in which her character is devastated to discover that her husband is involved with another man, she asked Heath Ledger (her off-screen, as well as on-screen, love interest) and Jake Gyllenhaal to stand off camera and make out for her benefit. Ledger and Gyllenhaal agreed, and when she thought their kissing was not involved enough, she asked them to intensify it.”