The “Year in Review” Meme! Take the first sentence from the first post of each month and make a paragraph. Mine makes an amusing amount of sense!

Well, it’s the new year! Finally, a time and date for The Pierre Heist, the TV movie starring James Marsters. Mmmm, feeling much better. Blogger ate the post I was composing Thursday morning, detailling recent fannish stuff. *hums Camelot’s “Lusty Month of May”, as per tradition* You are bidding on a mint condition, perfectly preserved slice of evil toast. Firefly Photoshop Silliness in my LJ. Very awesome and rather lengthy interview with Joss Whedon! I just got a $150 textbook for $30. *snickers quietly for a few seconds, before erupting into a great guffaw* Got the poop on the Serenity DVD coming out on December 20th, just in time for Christmas! Veronica Mars.