Almost as funny as the comic itself is the mere idea of Harry Potter and Aslan at a bus stop together. Also the idea of Dumbledore biting Voldemort’s face off.

And speaking of wizards named Harry, I just made the connection today that the height difference between Harry and Murphy is double that of Mulder and Scully. 5′ vs. 6’6″, whereas (according to IMDB) Duchovny and Anderson are a mere 6′ and 5’3″. That’s like M and Matt! M is 4’11” and Matt is 6’5″. I wish I still had my picture of them standing next to each other. Stupid me and my stupid “oh, I don’t need this picture anymore!” purges.

And speaking of height differences (wow, I’m all about the segue today!), did you guys see Howard Stern on The Daily Show? Howard was a full head taller than Jon. I always forget Jon is only 5’7″! They hugged and did a little dance. It was beautiful.

And speaking of beautiful, my math textbook arrived this afternoon. $25 (including shipping) for an $80 book. God bless America New Delhi.

Speaking of New Delhi… I got nothin’.