I am cheered from my rage and disappointment by the fact that WE ARE #1, WE ARE #1 HEY! at Amazon, and it isn’t even released until tomorrow. Top Seller: Serenity! BOOYEAH. And the Firefly box set is #9. SO GOOD.
In the meantime, I have eaten all my leftovers, and I have nothing in the kitchen but oatmeal, granola, and Ramen. When I get back to school after the holiday break, I’m going to have a major grocery spree. My diet for the next three days: delivery from CampusFood.com!
Oh wait, I lie! I still have a small container of wonton soup, and a few nibbles of Appley Ever After. That, oatmeal, granola, and Ramen. I win at the Frat boy gastronomic lifestyle. After the break, I’m whipping out my recipes and making some real food.