Two awesome new links today!
Pandora — heard about it on Air America Radio. It’s a free (and completely legal) music listening service. Write in a song or an artist you like, and based on the different musical qualities that exemplify that song/artist, it’ll generate an endless playlist (or “radio station”) of songs that it predicts you will like. I was in a Muse mood this evening, so that’s what I used for my input. Amusingly enough, the song it played to exemplify Muse was “Time Is Running Out,” the song I’m eventually vidding. Then the first song it recommended for me was by one of my sister’s favourite bands! I’m going to have to borrow some of her CDs over Christmas…
MyHeritage Face Recognition — submit a picture of yourself, and it’ll tell you what celebrities you resemble. Ganked from Kell!
Picture #1: (not smiling)
Grace Kelly 52% (dude!)
Katrina Kaif 50%
Aaliyah 49%
Picture #2: (smiling)
Anne Frank 67% (hurr?)
Lucille Ball 65%
Alyson Hannigan 60% (or not)
Picture #3: (a baby photo)
Pierce Brosnan 60% (ha!)
Gene Hackman 59%
Thierry Henry 58%
A chorus of “umm… no?” to the lot of them, but still fun!